Adrian Kühlewind
Professional experience for Adrian Kühlewind
- Current 8 years and 5 months, since Sep 2016
Head of Foundation Data Engineering
Seven.One Entertainment Group
As the leader of Data Engineering Teams overseeing Content Discovery, API, and Interaction Services, I guide the strategic direction, development, and operation of critical API and business backend systems including Real-Time Voting systems and ML Recommendations. These technologies enhance entertainment experiences, notably in acclaimed TV shows like "The Masked Singer" and "The Voice of Germany." Our overarching goal is to elevate entertainment standards, guided by the mantra, "we love to entertain you."
- Current 9 years and 2 months, since Dec 2015
pon - smarte Einkaufsliste
Found of pon - smarte Einkaufsliste - One of the most popular shopping lists in the Apple App Store for iOS, iPadOS and WatchOS (written in Swift). Outstanding for pon is the geofence-based customization of the app with location-passing push notifications and reminders and an ML self-learning algorithm for shopping behavior to increase user engagement. It is connected to a cloud-hosted backend system for multi-device synchronization. Released in the Apple App Store since 12/2015
- 3 years, Sep 2013 - Aug 2016
Senior Software Engineer
ProSiebenSat.1 Digital GmbH
Architectural Concept and Development of an API Framework based on node.js and mongodb to connect mobile devices with existing infrastructure services of ProSiebenSat.1. (Open-Source @github: mia.js) for high performance and availability environments with many concurrent connected device
As a founding member of the AutoScout24 mobile Team, I led the backend development for AutoScout24s successful mobile apps. My expertise includes backend APIs, internal ad servers, and creating a sophisticated ML Fraud detection system for millions of devices. With extensive UX design experience, I formulated strategic approaches for the AutoScout24 Windows Phone App. Simultaneously, as project manager, I oversaw development, earning commendations from Microsoft for remarkable features and functionality
- 3 years and 2 months, Jun 2005 - Jul 2008
Co-Founder & Software Developer
Freiberufliche Tätigkeit als Webentwickler, Vertrieb und Vermarktung Eigenentwicklung saladCMS (Content- Management-System)
- 2 years and 3 months, Dec 2005 - Feb 2008
Softwareentwicklung des Internetportals DMG-Lib. Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Online-Book-Readers:
Educational background for Adrian Kühlewind
- 6 years and 9 months, Apr 2001 - Dec 2007
Technische Universität Ilmenau
First language
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