Mahdi Rostamzadeh
Angestellt, Full-Stack Developer, Pragmidea LTD
Istanbul, Turkey
About me
Frontend Developer with +4 years of experience maintaining, developing, testing web applications and internal frameworks. Specializes in React and Node.js. Additionally, I am good at solving problems and improving codes.
Professional experience for Mahdi Rostamzadeh
Current 4 years and 1 month, since Sep 2020
Full-Stack Developer
Pragmidea LTD
- Developed web applications based on cryptocurrency. - Replaced Redux with Context API and SWR. - Collaborated with the technical team (Backend, DevOps, QA). - Gained more experience in writing integration, e2e, and visual tests. - Implemented internal packages with rollup.js for the Authentication system. - Tech stack: React, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Next.js, Cypress, Jest
1 year and 11 months, Nov 2018 - Sep 2020
Full-Stack Developer
1 year and 1 month, Nov 2017 - Nov 2018
Frontend Developer
Tabaneh Shar