Matthias Schulz
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Professional experience for Matthias Schulz
- Current 9 years and 6 months, since Sep 2015
Sustainability Consultant
Schulz Sustainability Consulting
- Product sustainability consulting, training and workshops; - Critical reviews of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), Carbon Footprints and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD).
- Current 9 years and 6 months, since Sep 2015Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
Business Development Manager
- Support in the set-up of a BCE subsidiary in Leonberg; - Project development in the areas of material flow analysis for waste management processes.
- 3 years and 7 months, Jan 2012 - Jul 2015
Product Line Manager Product Sustainability
DEKRA Assurance Services GmbH
- Management of product sustainability consulting projects; - Critical review of life cycle assessments (LCA; e.g. ISO 14040/44), Carbon Footprints (e.g. Greenhouse Gas Protocol) and Environmental Product Declarations (EPD; e.g. ISO 14025, DIN EN 15804); - Execution of market and benchmark analyses; - Delivery of workshops, training and lectures on the topics of sustainability definitions and concepts, makro-economic context, sustainable decision frameworks, LCA and Eco-labels.
- 2 months, Jul 2011 - Aug 2011
Guest lecturer
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Invited to teach a summer class in sustainability principles and assessment methods to post graduate students
- 1 year and 5 months, Jan 2010 - May 2011
Manager Sustainability Assessment Program
University of New South Wales
- Led consultancy projects and conducted research in sustainability assessment and life cycle management for the resources, manufacturing and food industries - Lectured in sustainable water management, life cycle management, eco-labels, carbon footprinting - Delivered Carbon and Water Footprint Workshops - Retail sales manager for GaBi 4 software in Australia - Development of streamlined life cycle assessment calculators - Appointed to Committee of Management of the Australien LCA Society
- 2 years and 9 months, Apr 2007 - Dec 2009
Research Associate
University of New South Wales
Consulting and research in the areas of sustainability assessment, in particular LCA, carbon footprinting, life cycle costing, sustainable decision making, etc.
- 10 months, Jul 2006 - Apr 2007
Remuneration Specialist
BT Financial Group / Westpac
Management of the 2006 Remuneration Review Process for all BT employees Redesign of the BT Financial Group's Reward Strategy
- 2 years and 6 months, Aug 2003 - Jan 2006
Remuneration Consultant
Klaus Lurse Personal + Management AG
Consultant specialising in Remuneration Strategy, Variable Remuneration and Management by Objectives and their application on a project basis within large and medium-sized organisations.
- 1 year and 5 months, Aug 2004 - Dec 2005
Living Bamboo
- Import, marketing and sale of Phillipine bamboo furniture; set up a company to market and sell a new product, thereby supporting a community in the developing world
- 7 months, Mar 2002 - Sep 2002
Development Project
Tanzania-Wir helfen!
Single-handed planning, fundraising (~€ 4.000) and completion of a development project in Arusha (Tanzania) Construction of a solar water heating system for an orphanage.
- 4 months, Aug 2001 - Nov 2001
Intern Organic Farming Project
Eco Project Ltd - Trinidad&Tobago
Internship at Eco Project Ltd in Tobago (Trinidad & Tobago) Planning and marketing for an ecological initiative (growth and local marketing of organic produce). Selection of new interns.
- 4 months, Jul 2000 - Oct 2000
Intern Audi Marketing
Volkswagen de México
Internship at Audi (Marketing department), Volkswagen de México Design and roll-out of merchandise boutique for Audi Centres, organisation of golf tournaments, contact for Audi Centres, translations.
Educational background for Matthias Schulz
- 5 years and 8 months, Oct 1997 - May 2003
Universität Hannover, Universidad Alcalá de Henares
Marketing, Human Resources, Environment Economics, Systems Management, Environment Politics
First language
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