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Mohamed Aymen Hammami

Angestellt, Software Engineer, Jimdo GmbH
Hamburg, Germany



Professional experience for Mohamed Aymen Hammami

  • Current 4 years, since Mar 2021

    Software Engineer

    Jimdo GmbH

    - Fullstack development and maintenance of - Maintain the pipeline and deployments on AWS + Fastly CDN - Create internal tools for marketing and SEO teams - A/B tests on

  • 2 years and 7 months, Sep 2018 - Mar 2021

    Senior Full-Stack Developer


    at xTECH I work closely with international clients (mostly German) on a daily basis, to deliver on sprint goals. Within the scope of my responsibility also is to proactively identify new tools, processes, and approaches, and continuously work to find ways to improve the overall code quality. Currently working on an E-learning platform for in-company training, developed for the account of the German publisher Cornelsen, as part of a time of 11 developers, scattered between Tunis, Berlin, and Serbia.

  • 3 months, Jul 2018 - Sep 2018

    Research and Development Engineer


    During my time with Advyteam, I worked on the company's main product: Accretio; Accretio is a digital workplace that allows companies to manage performance and skills. I worked on this project as a Full-Stack Developer, in a team of 6 developers, and I had the chance to fix several UX and performance-related bugs. My responsibilities were to: - Implement new features as part of sprints. - Support the DevOps team and contribute to decisions on architecture.

  • 4 years, Aug 2014 - Jul 2018

    Full-Stack Developer


    NextGenCorp is an IoT and M-Education oriented Start-up. During my 4 years with NextGenCorp, I worked on many projects, ranging from simple Web-services to scalable VOD platforms. My responsibilities were to: - Architect, build and manage both internal and client-side projects. - Work closely with clients to document functional requirements. - Maintain and manage hosting servers. - Supervise Interns. - Provide consulting services to executive management.

Educational background for Mohamed Aymen Hammami

  • 2 years and 10 months, Sep 2010 - Jun 2013

    Computer Science

    Higher Institute of Computer Science (ISI)


  • English


  • Arabic

    First language

  • French


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