Sara Vieira

Angestellt, Business Development Manager, Covet Group

Porto, Portugal

Über mich

I'm based in Portugal and have experienced living in Austria. I am fluent in multiple languages (german, spanish and portuguese) and have experience in the development of specific markets, such as German, Spanish and italian markets. My experience as a BDR includes market resear & analysis, identifying & contacting prospects with context both inbound and outbound calls, virtual meetings & emails, The part I like the most about my job is getting to know the prospects and their needs and match them to our products.

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Business Development
Market Research
Zwischenmenschliche Beziehung
Sales force
Social Media Marketing
Digital Content Creation
Outbound Calls
Inbound Calls
Internationales Business Development


Berufserfahrung von Sara Vieira

  • Bis heute 7 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Nov. 2016

    Business Development Manager

    Covet Group

    My experience as a BDR includes market resear & analysis, identifying & contacting prospects with context both inbound and outbound calls, virtual meetings & emails, The part I like the most about my job is getting to know the prospects and their needs and match them to our products. I'm based in Portugal and have experienced living in Austria. I am fluent in multiple languages and have experience in the development of specific markets, such as German, Spanish and italian markets.


  • Deutsch


  • Spanisch


  • Portugiesisch


  • Englisch


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