Thomas Gunkel

Angestellt, Design Manager, Adient Ltd. & Co. KG

Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Über mich

Do cars still need four wheels? The future of mobility is being shaped today driven by various factors all coinciding right now. Questions that permeate our globalized world include "What is the future of mobility? How will mobility improve our lives and change our world? Do I still need my own car? Do cars still need four wheels? How will individual mobility needs be met? Will we gain time to focus on things which really matter?" The answers are manifold coming from different areas and industries. As the responsible manager for advanced design and innovation I have the opportunity to offer answers from my point of view and actively shape the future. But to shape the future it needs more than a vision. Focusing on a value-adding approach, by aligning key stakeholders and guiding interdisciplinary teams based on strong leadership, communication, and management skills, I help make visions a reality. The future is now and innovation never stops... so what comes next?

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Innovation Management
Automotive Design
Concept Development
Industrial Design
Product Design
Corporate Design


Berufserfahrung von Thomas Gunkel

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit Jan. 2018

    Design Manager

    Adient Ltd. & Co. KG

    Leading and supporting projects on both ends of the spectrum. On phase 0 projects I’m still trying to change the world, with the right vision for products, anticipating the future product needs of our customers. In phases 1 and 2-5 I’m supporting, to find the best balance between OEM design desires and given technical and budget requirements. Focusing on a value-adding approach, by aligning key stakeholders and guiding interdisciplinary teams based on strong leadership, communication, and management skills.

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, Juni 2014 - Okt. 2016

    Principal Designer

    Johnson Controls

    Responsible designer for advanced design and innovation. In my role as design and project lead for our show-car AI18, presented at the IAA 2017, I had to balance the freedom and creativity of visionary design and innovations with feasibility and project constraints. Me and my team immersed into the future of mobility creating a vision of mobility with multi-purpose seats in a highly flexible car interior, where people gain flexibility, freedom and can focus on things that really matter.

  • 1 Jahr und 8 Monate, Okt. 2014 - Mai 2016

    Senior Designer

    Johnson Controls

    • Responsible designer for headrest & armrest innovation • Supporting the complete seat innovation departments


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