Dr. Olga Timoshenko

Ehrenamt, Mentoring Program Manager, Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association

Basel, Schweiz

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Extensive experience in Microbiology
Cell Metabolism. Techniques include: RNAi
flow cytometry
fluorescent microscopy. Systems data analysis usin
easy going person.


Berufserfahrung von Olga Timoshenko

  • Bis heute 13 Jahre und 3 Monate, seit März 2011

    Mentoring Program Manager

    Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association

    - Set up the first group mentoring program in HBA Europe - Developed the group mentoring program, coordinated participants, took minutes - Organised meetings, advertised 1-to-1 and group mentoring programs - Recruited candidates, organised meetings, evaluated progress

  • Bis heute 14 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit Jan. 2010

    Postdoctoral fellow

    Biozentrum, University of Basel

    I am interested in the system level analysis of the metabolic interactions between the enterobacteria Shigella and the human host cell. Experienced in cell culture, microbiology techniques, RNAi, flow cytometry, microscopy, proteomics, metabolomics, data analysis.

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Sep. 2011 - Sep. 2012

    Postdoc Retreat Organiser

    Biozentrum, University of Basel

    - Planned, implemented and coordinated the organisation of the first conference for postdocs of the Biozentrum and neighboring institutes in Basel - Worked in a team of 5 people with close interactions and cross-functional tasks - Took lead on finding a venue, negotiating details of the contract, monitoring the registration process and organising an advertising campaign

Ausbildung von Olga Timoshenko

  • 3 Jahre und 10 Monate, Okt. 2005 - Juli 2009

    Molecular Biology, Virology

    University of Birmingham

  • 4 Jahre und 11 Monate, Sep. 2000 - Juli 2005


    Novosibirsk State University

    Physiology, virology


  • Englisch


  • Deutsch


  • Französisch


  • Russisch



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