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Postdoctoral Position in Neurodevelopmental Epigenetics (m/f/d)

Postdoctoral Position in Neurodevelopmental Epigenetics (m/f/d)

Universitätsklinikum Freiburg

Gesundheit, Soziales

  • Freiburg
  • Vollzeit
  • 65.500 CHF – 91.000 CHF (von XING geschätzt)
Vor Ort

Postdoctoral Position in Neurodevelopmental Epigenetics (m/f/d)

Über diesen Job

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The group of Prof. Dr. T. Vogel at the Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department Molecular Embryology, University of Freiburg is looking for 01.10.24 or as early as possible a

Postdoctoral Position in Neurodevelopmental Epigenetics (m/f/d)

The research focus of Prof. Vogel´s group lies on transcriptional control during brain development with a focus on transcription factor activity and epigenetic mechanisms, especially histone modifications. The group is renowned for studying stem cell and neuronal specification during development and in CNS disease (Akol et al, PNAS, 2023; Appiah et al, Embo Rep, 2023; Ferrari et al, Nat Comm, 2020; Franz et al, NAR, 2019) and uses single-cell sequencing approaches to study transcriptional regulation through histone modifications and transcription factors with regard to cerebral cortex and hippocampus development in mouse brain and human organoid model systems.

We offer you:

  • to work on high topical research projects with state-of-the art technology in a collaborative setting
  • an international work atmosphere
  • a scheme towards academic qualification

Position requirements:

  • participation of teaching macro- and microscopic Anatomy in German language (C1-level certificate required)

You are convincing through:

  • a strong background in biochemistry, biology, molecular medicine, medicine or equivalent
  • experience with bioinformatical analyses of large data sets and next-generation-sequencing ideally on single cell level, and/or
  • documented experience in techniques of cell biology, protein biochemistry and molecular biology, applied to understand the development or function of the central nervous system
  • experience in live cell microscopy, or electroporation techniques, which are of interest for the group
  • very good communication skills in English
  • enthusiasm for science and the ability to learn new techniques and to work synergistically in a team
  • an outstanding PhD or MD and passion, curiosity and high motivation for unsolved research questions in the field of neurodevelopmental epigenetics
Employment will be temporary for initially 2 years. Salary: according to TVL E13.

Please send applications including CV; degree certificates; a minimum of 2 reference letters; a short letter of motivation for application to the lab and a list of publications.

Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Department of Molecular Embryology
Prof. Dr. Tanja Vogel
Albertstr. 17, 79104 Freiburg

Questions? Then please send us an email:
For more information see:
General information: Salary is assigned according to a pay scale. Unless prevented by operational or legal reasons, full-time positions are generally open to those wishing to job share. Where two candidates are equally suitable for a post, severely disabled candidates are given priority. Employment decisions are made by the Personnel Department.
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