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Planetglosshat einen Beitrag geschrieben27. März 2015
If there is no such things as Death, Why it is Wrong to Kill? -Cloud that hovers in the Sky can't be destroyed.The Very Essence of Someone's Karmic Bondage (Wheel of Life ) can't be destroyed as long as it doesn't complete its period of cycle and that's we call a "time" -"Hora" but is transferred to you and adds extra more suffering. When somebody tries to disturb the equilibrium of Someone's life it naturally shift the momentum of the doer. As Cloud ultimately transforms into rains,there is no ...
Planetglosshat einen Beitrag geschrieben4. März 2015
‪#‎Creative‬ Ideas for Social Media Marketing Whether your business is marketing a service or product, social media is an effective tool to help reach a worldwide audience of individuals all at the same time. For many companies, using social media is crucial. It allows a platform to maintain communication with customers and clients. As companies begin to develop effective social media marketing strategies, they understand how it can be used effectively to improve service and add to the company...

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We’re PlanetGlossian. PlanetGloss is the movment for bringing certain transformation in existence via on-line running a blog.PlanetGloss was once conceived with an idea of redefining the more than one dimension of existence in new and progressive method that actually issues a existence. We are living in a cosmos. We are...

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