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2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.

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2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.
2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.hat einen Beitrag geschrieben31. Mai 2013
The Emons Group is ready for the Transport & Logistics exhibition in Münich next week. Our 2WIN double deck truck and ELT++ Glasstrailer are now on their way to Munich. Munich....Here we come!
2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.
2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.hat einen Beitrag geschrieben25. März 2013
The 2WIN double deck transport is certified for the TAPA-security standard TSR - Level 2. By this, Emons Cargo BV is able to provide a sustainable double deck transport in a secure and safe manner. Do you want secure 2WIN?
2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.
2WIN - Emons Cargo B.V.hat einen Beitrag geschrieben25. März 2013
The 2WIN double deck transport is certified to the TAPA security standard TSR - Level 2. Emons Cargo B.V. has been compliant with the TSR Level 3-standard since 2007 and is now certified on the higher security level TSR Level 2. Do you need secure 2WIN?

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Emons Cargo is specialised in the transport of non-stackable goods with a pallet / unit height upto 1.80 mtrs. A 2WIN trailer can load upto 54 europallets. This is 63% more than normal trailers. Two 2WIN trailers can replace three conventional trailers resulting in significant cost reduction (>10%) and a saving in CO2...

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Rijksweg 4, 6596 AB Milsbeek, Niederlande