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Anuga FoodTec

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Anuga FoodTec
Anuga FoodTechat einen Beitrag geschrieben28. September 2020
Silky smooth! Researchers at MIT have stumbled upon an unlikely solution for prolonging the shelf life of strawberries. When covered in silk, they were found to keep their taste much longer. This discovery could have important implications for other foods and the global food supply chain as a whole. Find out more here:
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Anuga FoodTec
Anuga FoodTechat einen Beitrag geschrieben25. September 2020
More and more trade shows are up and running again! Congratulations to THAIFEX - Anuga Asia 2020, Asia’s leading annual international food & beverage trade show, for having such a successful event! With still one day left of the event, you can already watch behind the scenes footage! Learn more on their website here:
Anuga FoodTec
Anuga FoodTechat einen Beitrag geschrieben23. September 2020
Interested in exhibiting at Anuga FoodTec 2021? At our next edition, you'll get to exhibit your company to visitors who are familiar with special demands of the food & beverage sector. To help you plan ahead, we've even put together a detailed checklist with all the important dates & deadlines! Start planning now!
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