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arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH

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11-50 Mitarbeitende

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arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH
arconsis IT-Solutions GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben25. Oktober 2022
Recap our activities in Greece! During our conclave, we finally had the chance to do some team activities. On one morning, we went to our resorts driving range to practice tee shots. Our instructor explained the basics of golf very well and in the end everyone was able to make at least one successful tee shot. Although most of us had never played golf before or even on their radar that it could be entertaining to play, we had a lot of fun. After the golf lessons, we switched to bowling, table te...
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arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH
arconsis IT-Solutions GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben19. Oktober 2022
Recap the second day in Greece: Workshop Sessions!   All colleagues had the opportunity to present workshop topics they would like to talk about. Everyone was free to pick their favorite topics to discuss within the team - in the style of a BarCamp. We had a very productive day, and many exciting discussions were held. From these sessions we brought back results and some homework to work on it. We really appreciate the outcome of the workshop day as we love to push things forward together. And i...
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arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH
arconsis IT-Solutions GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben17. Oktober 2022
We've been waiting for it a long time, but last week the day had finally come: our company conclave 2022 was clear to take off! With our bags packed and full of anticipation, we set off for Greece on Wednesday to spend four days together shaping the future of the arconsis, growing as a team and creating new collective memories. In this post we share some impressions of the travel day to Thessaloniki. In the next days, we will share more images and impressions of our journey and activities, so s...
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arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH - arconsis IT-Solutions GmbH ist Experte für strategische Technologieberatung und anspruchsvolle Mobile Business Lösungen.

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