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Berndt+Partner Creality GmbH

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Berndt+Partner Creality GmbH
Berndt+Partner Creality GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben18. Mai 2022
🎞📦 Are unboxing videos a promising marketing trend? 
 📤 Unboxing can be a real experience for the customer. While holding the packaging in his hands and opening it, he makes the first real contact with the product. 
 💡 More and more companies are taking advantage of the great importance of unboxing for the customer and have unboxing videos created for marketing purposes. 
 ❗ For this to be successful however, the packaging must be correctly designed. 
 ❓ What about your packaging? 
 ☀ As a...

Unboxing videos as a promising marketing trend – Berndt+Partner Creality

It’s the anticipation of what’s waiting inside; the sound of the scissors sliding through the packing tape; the moment of carefully to passionately removing the product from the packaging; and in the best case, the enjoyment of the packaging itself, which should score points with creativity. All this makes unboxing a real experience for the […]
Unboxing videos as a promising marketing trend – Berndt+Partner Creality
Berndt+Partner Creality GmbH
Berndt+Partner Creality GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben17. Mai 2022
🤝 Why does an interdisciplinary approach to your packaging design and development make sense? 📦 Product innovation and packaging design and development are complex processes that require competence in many different areas. The specific knowledge of facts and rules of packaging design is of course the basic prerequisite, but by far not enough. 🎯 At Berndt+Partner Creality we are approaching all our projects in a holistic manner. Our competence covers everything from Design & Branding up to...

Why does an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to product innovation, packaging design and development make sense? – Berndt+Partner Creality

Product innovation as well as packaging design and development are complex processes that require competence in many different areas. The specific knowledge of facts and rules of packaging design is, of course, the basic
Why does an interdisciplinary and holistic approach to product innovation, packaging design and development make sense? – Berndt+Partner Creality
Berndt+Partner Creality GmbH
Berndt+Partner Creality GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben16. Mai 2022
📃 🍃 Paperization is the name of the trend in the packaging industry, which is primarily about replacing plastic with paper. 🌎 That’s good, because it saves plastic waste and protects the environment, right? Yes, that’s true on the whole. Nevertheless, the matter is not as simple as it seems at first glance, neither for nature nor for us humans. 👉 Read why: #packaging #environment #paperization #packag...


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