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E.ON Inhouse Consulting

Creating the blueprint for the energy transition

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E.ON Inhouse Consulting
E.ON Inhouse Consultinghat einen Beitrag geschrieben18. Februar 2022
At E.ON we are in a unique position to drive the sustainable energy transition. That also comes with the responsibility of attracting and growing motivated talent to join us on our ambitious journey. As mobility is probably one of the key drivers for a greener future, we invite you to dive right into it and meet E.ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH at our coming recruiting event - live in Berlin! Keen for a real-life business case? Here's something to get you thinking over the weekend: The growing marke...


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E.ON Inhouse Consulting
E.ON Inhouse Consultinghat einen Beitrag geschrieben29. Juli 2021
We are beyond proud that our first podcast - "#Energized - The E.ON Inhouse Consulting Podcast" is finally available for the external world! 🎧 Ever wondered what’s its like working at E.ON Inhouse Consulting? In this podcast series, our colleagues - from new joiner to Director - share their personal stories and talk about their perspectives and insights on what it’s like working at ECON. Get to know them and learn about ECON’s role in shaping a sustainable, digital and customer centric energy...

#Energized: The E.ON Inhouse Consulting Podcast

Listen to #Energized: The E.ON Inhouse Consulting Podcast on Spotify. Ever wondered what’s its like working at E.ON Inhouse Consulting? In this podcast series, our colleagues from new joiner to Director share their personal stories and talk about their perspectives and insights on what it’s like working at ECON. Get to know them and learn about ECON’s role in shaping a sustainable, digital and customer centric energy world, about how we help each other grow and how we build and live an exceptional culture at ECON. Patricia and Greg, both consultants and the hosts for our podcast series, will introduce you to our interview partners and take you through the different episodes. We hope you enjoy the podcast and enjoy getting to know our colleagues!
#Energized: The E.ON Inhouse Consulting Podcast
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We are E.ON Inhouse Consulting...

...and you should definitely remember our name. Why? Well: We are the trusted advisor to the top leadership of E.ON and we’re on a mission to create the blueprint for the energy transition of Europe – and beyond. For us energy transition is more than just a buzzword. We put out our ideas to challenge the status quo and turn them into a new reality.

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