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Europcell GmbH

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Europcell GmbH
Europcell GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben2. Juni 2021
In May 2021 we hosted an online event prepared by our Fibre-cement division. For several years it has been our tradition to invite our customers and business partners to visit Germany to attend technical seminars. It is a cyclical event, already well settled in the calendar of Europcell’s meetings, taking place every 2 years since 2011. And this year could not be different. Despite existing restrictions only the form of the meeting had to be adjusted. Thanks to meeting platforms like Zoom we ha...
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Europcell GmbH
Europcell GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben29. März 2021
In the recent weeks, we observed a very strong increase in demand towards Sackkraft paper. Especially the construction segment is consuming extraordinary large volumes and in fact there is now a shortage affecting the first half of 2021. From market participants we heard that companies producing construction materials are currently building up large stock positions. The assumption is that once the current European lockdowns are over, there will be a boost in demand for building materials. What...
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Europcell GmbH
Europcell GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben28. Oktober 2019
Europcell and PTS hosted the 5th Fiber-Cement event in Dresden from 24th to 26th September 2019. More than 50 participants from 15 countries joined us and were enthusiastic. This year we focused on the refining process, market pulp outlook, coating issues and the asbestos-free conversion experience in Brazil. We hope to see you latest in 2021 at our 6th Fiber-Cement seminar!
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Europcell ist seit mehr als 20 Jahren weltweit im Vertrieb von Zellstoff, Papier und Kartonprodukte aktiv. Europcell wurde 1995 in Deutschland gegründet. Wir sind mittlerweile eine feste Größe im Handel mit Zellstoff, Verpackungspapieren, Karton und graphischen Papieren, sowie mit speziellen Zellstoffen für die Faserzement-...

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