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Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center

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Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center
Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Centerhat einen Beitrag geschrieben18. Mai 2017
HMETC takes over great responsibilities by developing innovative vehicles and technologies for the whole European market. With passion and inventive talent we are not afraid of taking rougher paths as well in order to become a lifetime partner in automobiles and beyond. In our departments we are looking for new solutions every day to achieve the highest quality for our customers. Many innovations have already been initiated at our European Research and Development Center in Rüsselsheim, which ma...

Hyundai Motor Europe Technical Center GmbH (HMETC) in Rüsselsheim was opened in 2003. Its purpose is to make sure that every Hyundai and Kia which comes to Europe meets the demanding standards of the European customer and to adapt the car to the needs of that specific market. During the last decade, the European Technical...

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Größere Karte

Rüsselsheim am Main

Hyundai Platz, 65428 Rüsselsheim am Main, Deutschland