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medialeg GmbH

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1-10 Mitarbeitende


medialeg GmbH
medialeg GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben30. Mai 2017
Hello and welcome to the second lecture about i-views. Topic of the next series is "structured queries". Structured queries allow to find semantic objects in a network either based on its attributes or based on relationships between objects. Those types of queries are called pattern search. Learn more on Visit i-views university for more information ->
medialeg GmbH
medialeg GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben30. März 2017
I-views university guides you gradually through all functionalities of the software. The course also explains a plethora of different application scenarios for semantic data networks. Weekly webinars and consultation hours lead you from basic introduction to the software to very detailed descriptions of functionalities over to complex use cases for that type of software. Want to know more about webinars and training? Find more information on i-views university.
medialeg GmbH
medialeg GmbHhat einen Beitrag geschrieben28. März 2017
What’s i-views? i-views is a graph database that is optimized for integration, evaluation and use of heterogeneous and unstructured data. Additionally, i-views has many features in common with traditional relational databases such as transaction safety, data consistency, access protection, etc. With i-views you get a development environment where you can build your own application without any prior programming skills. All tools required to create an application are an integral part of i-vi...

Ähnliche Unternehmen

medialeg ist ein 2007 gegründetes, Schweizer Unternehmen im digital Marketing. Marketing & Compliance mit Smart Data Wir begleiten Unternehmen bei der Planung und Umsetzung von digitalen Marketing-Vorhaben, der Einführung der Knowledge Graphen Datenbank i-views und bei generellen Compliance-Anforderungen. Neben unserem...

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