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Presenting a global mindset with a local flavor

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MindspaceTop-Artikel6. Oktober 2022
Think green. Keep it clean. 💚 Our Berlin team spent their afternoon at the Berlin Spree not only to have a great time on a canoe, but to clean up the river from any waste and fight pollution in the water 🚯. Our #MindspaceImpact movement keeps spreading positive vibes globally 🌍 and we cannot wait to see how and where they are planning on contributing next! Follow us on @lifeatmindspace & #Impact #mindspace #employees #volunteer #involvement #contribution #good #Berlin #
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Mindspacehat einen Beitrag geschrieben26. Juni 2023
In August 2023, we will be opening our newest Berlin branch in a stunning, historic commercial building on Max-Beer-Straße at the corner of Münzstraße, constructed in 1909 by architect Albert Wehe for the Neue Berlinische Baugesellschaft. As we gear up to open our 6th location in Berlin, we’re taking a trip down memory lane to explore the history of all of our Mindspace locations in Berlin over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for a glimpse into the past of these modern and stylish #flexoffice...
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Mindspacehat einen Beitrag geschrieben6. Oktober 2022
We’re delighted to announce our sixth location in Berlin and 12th in Germany: Mindspace Münzstraße.   A short walk from Alexanderplatz and the iconic Berlin TV tower, our newest location will span 4,100 m² and offer 700 workstations over five floors. Built in 1913, the former department store is part of WertInvest’s real estate portfolio. Mindspace Münzstraße is scheduled to open in spring 2023.   According to a Colliers report, Mindspace has announced more new locations in Berlin than any other...
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Mindspace is a boutique flex space provider that redefines the workplace experience

Our beautifully designed spaces, personalized level of service and carefully curated events foster enhanced employee engagement and a strong sense of community, accommodating the way people work, innovate and grow. Mindspace serves companies of various sizes in more than 30 locations, 19 cities and 7 countries across Europe and the US.

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