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Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologists

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Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologists
Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologistshat einen Beitrag geschrieben4. August 2022
Have you noticed the rush of companies going agile? The many calls for transformation? As we enter an age of uncertainty, firms are now searching for the tools to keep pace. The problem is that we need new frameworks to guide companies through uncertainty and the new possibilities that come with such dynamic conditions.  Throughout Nathan Furr's study, three key features emerge as common to these frameworks: the individual’s ability to cope with uncertainty; the organisation’s ability to experim...

Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty

Most existing strategy frameworks, developed during a more stable era, don’t work well in dynamic conditions. We need new frameworks to guide companies through uncertainty. And three key features emerge as common to these frameworks: the individual’s ability to cope with uncertainty; the organization’s ability to experiment; and recognizing that strategy is a creative
Strategy in an Age of Uncertainty
Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologists
Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologistshat einen Beitrag geschrieben22. Juni 2022
In our SP Leadership Framework, one of the competencies we assess is Transformation, or the ability a leader has to know with which strategy to implement and make a desired state become reality. This article suggests that three out of every five companies rate their organization as weak on strategy execution. And when you dig into the potential barriers to implementation, there is a general lack of understanding of the various factors at play. To craft a vision and make it happen, three things h...

How to Move from Strategy to Execution

Three out of every five companies rate their organization as weak on strategy execution. When you dig into the potential barriers to implementation, there is a general lack of understanding of the various factors at play, resulting in the inevitable managerial justifications — “poor leadership,” “inadequate talent,” “lack of process excellence,” etc. This article suggests three key steps to build the right execution system: 1) a good strategy, 2) the right organization, and 3) effective management. With these three ingredients in place, human ingenuity can be unleashed, and employees can collectively deliver on the company’s strategic
How to Move from Strategy to Execution
Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologists
Sourisseaux / Partners – Corporate Psychologistshat einen Beitrag geschrieben21. Oktober 2021
Empathy may sound like a soft skill, but actually, empathy is a critical leadership skill. Empathetic leaders not only have more innovative, productive teams, but also are more likely to keep good employees. Truly noticing that teams are composed of real people, with real, human needs also helps you see potential contributions and ways that employees’ unique perspectives can benefit the team.

The New Meaning Of CEO: Chief Empathy Officer - 4 Reasons Leaders Need Empathy Now

Empathy is a critical leadership skill and one needed now more than ever. The ongoing pandemic has left many workers burned out and options for employment are skyrocketing. Emphasising empathy will help you connect with, and retain, your employees. Start practicing four key habits today.
The New Meaning Of CEO: Chief Empathy Officer - 4 Reasons Leaders Need Empathy Now

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