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Thinklinkershat einen Beitrag geschrieben17. Januar 2020
Hello Everyone! Check out Monika Klimańska who shares with ThinkLinkers about the business drivers for #MasterDataManagement at Circle K. Join the #MDMThinkLab on the 23rd-24th of April in Berlin. #videothinklinkers #MDM #masterdata #mdm #informationmanagement #thinklinkers #datagovernance

Circle K | The business drivers for Master Data Management

Hello Everyone! Check out Monika Klimańska who shares with ThinkLinkers about the business drivers for #MasterDataManagement at Circle K. Join the #MDMThinkLab on the 23rd-24th of April in Berlin. #videothinklinkers #MDM #masterdata #informationmanagement #thinklinkers #datagovernance #dataanalytics #data
Circle K | The business drivers for Master Data Management
Thinklinkershat einen Beitrag geschrieben16. Januar 2020
Excellent #CustomerExperience will arguably be one of the main competitive differentiators of the next decade. However, without good #MasterData your #CX lacks the prerequisites for improvement. Find out at the #MDMThinkLab on the 23rd-24th of April how solid Master Data foundations help you take your CX to the next level!
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Thinklinkershat einen Beitrag geschrieben15. Januar 2020
Hello everyone! Where do #DataMyths come from and how do we dispel them? We had the pleasure to discuss that with our speaker George Firican, thought leader and author of George shared his views on the origins and the danger of #datamanagement myths and why it's important to dispel them, to ultimately focus on treating data as an asset.

George Firican | Data Myths

Hello everyone! Where do #DataMyths come from and how do we dispel them? We had the pleasure to discuss that with our speaker George Firican, thought leader and author of George shared his views on the origins and the danger of #datamanagement myths and why it's important to dispel them, to ultimately focus on treating data as an asset. Stay tuned for more content with George Firican, join the live debate #MDMThinkLab on the 23rd-24th of April in Berlin, and let's bust some #data management myths together! Video by Kira Smirnova #videothinklinkers #thinklabspeakers #masterdata #mdm #informationmanagement #datagovernance #digitaltransformation
George Firican | Data Myths

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ThinkLinkers was originally established by a young and dynamic team of networking professionals with extensive experience with organizing key professional events for business leaders. The company was founded for the simple reason that we not only felt we could do it better than our competitors, but also because we felt there...

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