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Dr. Achim Wapniewski

Partner / Gesellschafter, CEO, Managing Partner, ensign advisory GmbH
Düsseldorf, Germany



Professional experience for Achim Wapniewski

  • Current 10 years and 1 month, since Jan 2015

    CEO, Managing Partner

    ensign advisory GmbH

    ensign industrial advisory gibt als Unternehmer- und Management-Beratung Antworten auf alle Fragen der marktorientierten, strategischen und umsetzungsorientierten Unternehmensführung mit Schwerpunkt im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau.

  • 1 year and 10 months, Aug 2019 - May 2021

    Consultant/ Interim Managing Director; Transformation Officer

    GEA Group
  • 1 year and 4 months, Jun 2016 - Sep 2017

    Consultant / Interim Manager "Group Commercial Director"

    SOLIDUS-SOLUTIONS, eine Beteiligung der Aurelius Invest

    Umsetzung Restrukturierungskonzept, Post merger Integration Markt und Wettbewerber, Vertriebs- und Kanalstrategien, Produktstrategie inkl. Innovationen, Produktions- und Supply-Chain-Footprint, f Erstellung und Umsetzung Maßnahmen zur Unternehmensoptimierung Erhöhung der Effektivität und Effizienz der Vertriebsorganisation Optimierung des Pricings und Durchführung zweier Preiserhöhungen Anpassung der vertrieblichen Prozesse Einführung geeigneter Tools für Vertriebscontrolling

  • 2 years and 1 month, Dec 2012 - Dec 2014

    Interim Managing Director/ Geschäftsführer

    OYSTAR A+F Automation und Fördertechnik GmbH

  • 2 years and 10 months, Mar 2010 - Dec 2012

    Executive Vice President Sales & Marketing

    W + D GmbH

    Winkler+Dünnebier produces envelope and tissue machines as its core business. Another core area is in the production of transport and palletizing systems for the paper, tissue and food industries. Winkler+Dünnebier has production and sales locations in Germany, USA, China and Malaysia. Winkler+Dünnebier is an enterprise of Körber PaperLink, an international provider of system solutions for the paper and tissue processing industries

  • 2 years, Mar 2008 - Feb 2010

    Director Business Unit Food

    KHS GmbH

    KHS GmbH, Dortmund - an international manufacturer of filling and packaging systems for the beverage, food and non-food industries. In addition to several plants in Germany, KHS maintains production plants abroad in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, China and India. The KHS Group, managed centrally from Dortmund, and its more than 5.100 employees worldwide realize today sales totalingover one billion euros.

  • 3 years and 6 months, Jan 2005 - Jun 2008

    Director Global Marketing

    KHS GmbH

    KHS GmbH, Dortmund - an international manufacturer of filling and packaging systems for the beverage, food and non-food industries. In addition to several plants in Germany, KHS maintains production plants abroad in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, China and India. The KHS Group, managed centrally from Dortmund, and its more than 5.100 employees worldwide realize today sales totalingover one billion euros.

  • 6 months, Jul 2004 - Dec 2004

    Senior Consultant

    Droege & Comp.

    As senior consultant with KHS. Droege & Comp. is a specialist in effecting comprehensive and sustainable restructuring and value enhancement initiatives. Their professional concepts streamline organizations, enhance core processes and optimize the deployment of human resources, enabling businesses to exploit their full potential for sustainable value appreciation.

  • 3 years and 8 months, Oct 2000 - May 2004

    CEO, Geschäftsführer

    Wunderman Consulting, Wunderman GmbH (Young & Rubicam Brands/ WPP Group)

    Wunderman is part of WPP. WPP ( is one of the world's largest communications services groups. Number of employees 131,000 (incl. Associates) Number of offices 2,000+ Number of countries 106.

  • 2 years and 4 months, Jun 1998 - Sep 2000

    Manager ppa.


    BearingPoint (KPMG), a global management and technology consulting company known for their deep industry experience and high customer satisfaction. They collaborate with clients in government and industry in more than 60 countries to solve their most pressing challenges from strategy through execution. They provide strategic consulting, applications services, technology solutions and managed services to government organizations, Global 2000 companies and medium-sized businesses around the world.

  • 4 years and 4 months, Mar 1994 - Jun 1998

    CEO, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter

    nutrix food service

    Start-up in the German fast food market; import of the American fast-food idea, “Subway Sandwiches.” Set-up and management of restaurants in Germany. Foundation and operational management of nutrix Food Service GmbH. Negotiations with banks and venture-capital companies. Set-up of a franchise system and acquisition of franchisees. Design and implementation of an operational and organizational structure at the headquarters and restaurants. Company sold to subway Inc..

Educational background for Achim Wapniewski

  • 2008 - 2008

    Marketing management

    Kellogg School of Managment

    The Kellogg Executive Development Program (EDP) is a general management course that prepares management executives for upper leadership positions and to become change agents in their organizations.

  • 2 years and 9 months, Oct 2003 - Jun 2006

    Strategic and operational marketing and sales management

    University of Dortmund, Germany

    Customer value focused relationship management in industrial markets

  • 5 years and 7 months, Oct 1988 - Apr 1994

    Marketing/ Sales

    Westfälische-Wilhelms-Universität Münster


  • German

    First language

  • English


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