Ahmed Etman
Professional experience for Ahmed Etman
Handling one of the major games of the company "Metin2" with millions of players. Working with a lot of databases that service the game in more than 16 countries and languages Developing more that 12 projects simultaneously using "Kata" a PHP framework. Working with Apache servers on day to day biases. Implementing 3rd party API's like Iovation
Developing websites using Java PHP and Cake PHP , also working on administrating content for websites based on Joomla , Wordpress and Drupal. My responsibilities include: -Researching, consulting, analysing and evaluating system program needs. -Identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods. -Testing, debugging, diagnosing and correcting errors and faults in an applications programming language within established testing protoc
- Current 14 years and 11 months, since Apr 2010
PHP Web Developer Instructor
EAAC - Group
I am responsible for giving lectures and materials regarding PHP language and Web Development
- 2 years and 11 months, Mar 2010 - Jan 2013
PHP Developer
Developing websites using Java PHP and Cake PHP , also working on administrating content for websites based on Joomla , Wordpress and Drupal. My responsibilities include: -Researching, consulting, analysing and evaluating system program needs. -Identifying technology limitations and deficiencies in existing systems and associated processes, procedures and methods. -Testing, debugging, diagnosing and u
- 2 years and 3 months, Jan 2010 - Mar 2012
Web Design Instructor
Eaac - Group
I was responsible for giving training in Web Design related courses like DreamweaPhotoshop , Css , Html and JavaScript and I am also a certified instructor.
- 5 months, Nov 2007 - Mar 2008
Web Designer
-I was responsible for designing and administrating websites , and also some It related tasks. -Designing websites using Photoshop and Flash. -Writing Html pages using Dreamweaver.
Educational background for Ahmed Etman
- 4 years and 6 months, 2003 - Jun 2007
Management Information Systems
High Institute for Computer and Information Systems, Alexandria (Egypt)
-Accounting , Management , Economy. -Operating Systems , Mathematics , Database : Oracle - SQL - MySql , Structural Programming , Networks , Security , Reporting , Web Design , C# and Visual Basic.Net.
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