Akshat Agrawal
Professional experience for Akshat Agrawal
Experience across diversified industries such Automotive, Construction and Mining Equipment, Telecom , Energy Management Services and Profession Services Successfully executed projects in US, Europe, Japan, India and Latin America. Managed multi-national teams in cross cultural environments.
- 4 years and 1 month, Jul 2002 - Jul 2006
Manager - Procurement
Tata Motors Ltd
Supervised a procurement budget of $113 million, analyzed & negotiated contracts, and managed relationships with 150 suppliers.
Educational background for Akshat Agrawal
- 1 year and 10 months, Aug 2006 - May 2008
Masters in Business Administration
Emory University
Finance, Decision Science, Market Research
- 3 years and 10 months, Aug 1998 - May 2002
Mechanical Engineering
Dayalbagh Educational Institute
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