Albert Mulaki
Professional experience for Albert Mulaki
- Current 7 years and 9 months, since Jun 2017
Full stack web developer
Beo Software LLC, Ferizaj (Kosovo)
Working on new features of https://www.dckh-doc.org/ Managing the gitlab server; Managing the online server; Taking requests from customer; Deployment of new features to the server; Technology used: Laravel, PHP, MYSQL, jQuery, Javascript, vagrant with homestead, PhotoSwipe, GIT (Local GIT), etc.
- Current 7 years and 10 months, since May 2017
Web Developer
Mulaki Host
- 9 months, Sep 2016 - May 2017
Full Stack Web Developer
Bit Kosove (Member of bit group)
Builded a website for taking online tests. Technology used: Laravel, HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, oauth2 (API Authentication using passport in laravel) Ajax, Axios, jQuery, MySQL, webpack, npm(node package manager), vagrant, homestead, GIT(using https://gitlab.com), for API Documentation i am using Swagger: https://swaggerhub.com/apis/AlbertMulaki/evaluo/1.0.2 https://evaluo.org/evaluo/public/ https://gitlab.com/AlbertMulak
- 1 year, Feb 2015 - Jan 2016
Head of Finance & Administration
Feri Group SH.P.K., Ferizaj (Kosovo)
Payable accounts , including the processing of invoices, tracking the status of suppliers and potential inequalities solving them in regular basis / records in the accounting system
- 5 months, Sep 2014 - Jan 2015
Finance Assistant
Eli-Ab SH.P.K.
Payable accounts , including the processing of invoices, tracking the status of suppliers and potential inequalities solving them in regular basis / records in the accounting system
Educational background for Albert Mulaki
- Current 8 years and 5 months, since Oct 2016
Computer Science
South East European University
Specialized in software engineering. http://www.seeu.edu.mk/
- 3 years and 6 months, Oct 2011 - Mar 2015
Computer Science with applied mathematics
College "Visioni per Arsim"
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