Alejandro Villamarin Koch
Professional experience for Alejandro Villamarin Koch
- Current 11 years and 1 month, since Feb 2014
Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
OpenCoast S.L.
Acting as the CTO I mostly worked as a "one-man-army" at the beginning, switching hats constantly (from DevOps to Frontend developer, to Backend, Architect, etc) conveying from using Java as the main backbone of our technology stack (Spring.io, Ant, Maven, Hadoop) to a more "modern" Pythonic one (Flask-Django) that is currently being used right now. Scrum Master, QA, release and project manager, while still coding, those are my duties
- 4 years and 2 months, Jan 2010 - Feb 2014
R&D Software Engineer
Tecnalia Research & Innovation
My main role in Tecnalia was being responsible for the development of an in-house middleware solution based on OSGi and Eclipse, that aims to close the gap between the physical and the virtual world, allowing end users to create rich content applications using all the sensors available at hand. Besides this main role, I have to participate in the development and writing of research proposal to participate in European Research projects.
- 2 years and 5 months, Sep 2007 - Jan 2010
Ingeniero Informatico
European Software Institute
My main role in ESI was to maintain and develop legacy systems such as a software product line product (GNSIS) and a meeting scheduling tool (Meeting Space) using VBasic and C++. Also started to work in European and national R&D projects and was responsible for the the management of a virtualization infrastructure used to serve several in-house services: SVN, FTP, Web servers, etc.
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