Alexandre de Buen Lapena
Angestellt, Full-Stack software developer, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Barcelona, Spain
Professional experience for Alexandre de Buen Lapena
Current 10 years and 5 months, since Jun 2014
Full-Stack software developer
Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
Design,implementation & evolution/maintenance of different pieces of software coupled to hospital's information systems (ERP,databases,SOAP/WS services,...): from dedicated small apps based on users' specifications and built from scratch to cover specific needings,to connectors with propietary 3rd party software,and transversal/end-to-end solutions involving multi-tier architecture. VB.Net,ASP.Net,HTML,CSS,JS/JQuery,C#,Java,Android,SQLServer,Oracle DB,MySQL,Perl,IIS,SOAP WS,XML/XSD,HL7,Bash,UML,SVN,Wiki...
Implementation of view-tier components in JQuery+JS+HTML5+CSS3+Bootstrap/Less+NodeJS+Grunt to achieve responsive-design fluid behaviour and mobile devices' compatibility (mouse & touch events,drag&drop functionality,...) Development and implementation of J2EE+Spring multi-tier architecture requirements for one of the greatest spanish banks, and also the internal company ESB (Mule) Implementation of a hybrid Java/C++ connector API through gSOAP middleware to an external Oracle (BEA) Tuxedo service
Implementation of a client piece of software in Java+Perl+Bash to automatize Apache Maven deployment and installation of architecture artifacts over WebLogic 9.23 clusters integrated with BMC Remedy/BladeLogic & Jenkins Unit,stress,integration and functional minimal tests development+documentation,support,and evolution of that tool (managing 1 person team) Mule ESB install&config task scripting PHP5+Perl+Bash+Tcl/Expect dedicated tool to enable Drupal's books' automatic replication Linux sysadmin tasks
Collaborating in development of J2EE/Struts architecture for ‘Grupo Generali España A.I.E.’ insurance international company Implementation of software module in Java+Velocity to render rich HTML/CSS content and embed it in mail based on XML templates Java stub implementation to connect into JIRA SOAP/WS API Scripting CRUD operations with Groovy in JIRA J2EE authorization with JAAS+LoginModules throgh WebSeal and Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) Stress JMeter+Selenium tests DB2 query design
3 years and 6 months, Jun 2007 - Nov 2010
Senior programmer (Applications Development Manager)
Claranet GmbHImplementation of several LAMP/ANSI C/VB.Net apps, some coupled to 3rd party APIs (SMS sending plattforms, OTRS ticketing system,...) Implementation of several net admin tools (Cisco Netflow,ASN.1,IOS,SNMPv3) Serverside scripting (Perl, Bash and ANSI C) and basic sysadmin tasks Database design & maintenance (MySQL,PostgreSQL,Access). Roll-out & integration of new corporate tools (internal CRM) in close collaboration with UK team
10 months, Sep 2007 - Jun 2008
Freelance Unix/Linux sysadmin & dbadmin
Universitat de Barcelona
Freelance sysadmin project of installing, configuring and documenting dedicated LAMP server equipped with specific security policies (firewall IPTables), web flow analysis tools (Google Analytics), shared filesystem (through Samba) and migration of Moodle platform, MediaWiki space and MySQL DBs. Used technologies: GNU/Linux, Bash, Apache, MySQL, HTML 5, PHP5, JS, Moodle, Samba.
2 years and 6 months, Jan 2005 - Jun 2007
Junior programmer
Universitat de Barcelona
Developing & maintaining multimedia & web 2.0 tools,administrating educational platforms (Moodle,BSCW,WebCT),online courses and apps (Toolbok) and offering technical support to the innovation area in teaching techniques in animal physiology Implementing little web sites/pages/on-line apps (HTML,PHP,JS,VBScript) and little stand-alone desktop apps (VB) Installing,configuring,administrating and maintaining little GNU/Linux servers & MySQL DBs Basic PC fixing/mantainment and general informatics support
3 years, Jul 2002 - Jun 2005
Junior sysadmin & programmer
Barcelona University Computing Center (CIUB)
Basic automating,administrating,monitoring & maintenance of mail,DNS,web and FTP servers and calculus-computing applications over UNIX/Linux & Sun Workstations running Linux Red Hat 7.3,Solaris 2.6 & 2.8,AIX and HP-UX OSes Task Automating (Perl5,Unix bash/ksh). Implementation of a trace log analysis script tool for late detection of net viruses Helpdesk/phone support & managing user/email accounts,backup tasks and server monitoring (Big Brother)
Educational background for Alexandre de Buen Lapena
4 years and 5 months, Feb 2003 - Jun 2007
Universitat de Barcelona
Algebra, Mathematical analysis, Numerical analysis & methods, Geometry, Topology, Information & computer technology, Probability and Statistics
5 years and 10 months, Sep 1997 - Jun 2003
Universitat de Barcelona
Theoretical physics, Quantum mechanics, QFT & High Energy physics, Relativity, Mathematical physics, Condensed matter physics, Astonomy, Chemistry.
First language