Alexey Lavrov
Professional experience for Alexey Lavrov
- Current 8 years and 7 months, since Aug 2016
Musician, Programmer, designer
- Current 9 years and 2 months, since Jan 2016
Programmer, Designer, Composer
Polycode UAB/Freelance
"The Polynomial 2: Universe of the Music" game development. See portfolio and link for more info. The game has been released as a commercial alpha version on Steam Early Access in May 2016. Responsibilities/tasks: Game/level design, scripting, additional programming (C++, LUA), sound design (OST music writing, audio effects), marketing., support, Virtual Reality UX and level design. The game is officially supported by Facebook-Oculus developer fund.
- 6 months, Aug 2015 - Jan 2016
Moscow State Symphony Orchestra
Music Performance. Also made an orchestra's website, supported it's office IT infrastructure.
- 2 years and 1 month, Feb 2008 - Feb 2010
Junior Engineer
Buisiness Svyaz Holding
Datacenter service, satellite broadcast setup and service, corporate helpdesk, network monitoring service.
Educational background for Alexey Lavrov
- 4 years and 1 month, Aug 2011 - Aug 2015
Das Staatliche Moskauer P.-I.-Tschaikowski-Konservatorium
First language
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