Amit Kumar
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Professional experience for Amit Kumar
• Deployed cloud-based storage solution using Azure services improving report generation and analysis. • Developed and monitored ETL pipelines using Azure Data Factory for streamlined and efficient data processing. • Created FaaS solutions for asynchronous data synchronization and validation using Azure Functions and Python. • Established a DevOps culture within the team, resulting in improved deployment efficiency.
• Developed and deployed a full-stack application to enhance pricing analysis and automate pricing generation. • Developed web crawlers to gather competitor data and automated the scraping process using Azure Pipeline. • Managed CI/CD pipelines using Azure DevOps to automate the testing, building, and deployment of applications. • Automated the process of generating and deploying infrastructure as code using Python and Terraform.
• Constructed backend architecture using Java and Spring Boot Framework, demonstrating full stack ability. • Collaborated on integrating third-party services via RESTful APIs for data interchange and system compatibility. • Implemented input validation, authentication, and authorization mechanisms, to protect sensitive customer data. • Collaborated with testers to establish a Selenium-based automation framework for functional and regression testing.
- 6 months, Feb 2016 - Jul 2016
Undergraduate Research Assistant
KIT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Educational background for Amit Kumar
- 4 years and 9 months, Apr 2019 - Dec 2023
Computer Science
Universität Paderborn
Master Thesis: Improving User Experience for Program Slicing with respect to Data Privacy Project Group: Data Science Suite Courses: Machine Learning, Computation Argumentation, Interactive Data Visualization, Software Quality Insurance, Planning and Heuristics Search, Intelligence in Embedded Systems, Advanced Computer Architecture
- 3 years and 11 months, Aug 2012 - Jun 2016
Computer Science
Chitkara University
First language
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