Anais Virchez
Professional experience for Anais Virchez
-Creation and execution of Digital Marketing strategies for app and web. -Team lead: Managing two Media agencies(senior managers), an influencer Manager, two working students, and two freelancers. -Owner of the User Acquisition Channels-> Facebook, Instagram, as well as Google search, Google display, Universal app campaign, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and influencer channels. -Responsible for tracking and reporting on the performance results of new and ongoing campaigns.
- Proven track-record in user acquisition through +150 successful partnerships management in the Influencer Marketing channel. - Managing large-scale performance marketing paid ads, display ads (Facebook, GDN, Adroll) campaigns in 10 countries across 6 languages. - Team up with designers and copywriters to develop top-quality creative and texts to target various audiences in 6 languages. - Set up A/B tests, measuring the performance of the campaigns to optimize the ROI of the company.
Data-driven marketer with a strong focus to deliver high-quality ad solutions to the global market. Creation of digital campaigns in various channels such as SEO, Youtube, influencer partnership, Social Media and Affiliate Marketing.
- Current 7 years and 5 months, since Oct 2017
Online Marketing
Self employed
Creating and executing digital marketing strategies to drive online traffic towards the customer website. • Managing online and product campaigns boosting brand awareness, SEO,SEM activities, creating social media content in Spanish, On-page/Off-page optimization, tracking conversion rates, content management, evaluating customer research and market competitor data, using the Inbound marketing methodology. I work independently for small companies based in Germany.
- 2 years and 1 month, Feb 2014 - Feb 2016
Brand Manager
Grupo Lala
Held accountability for increasing market share and profits for core brand products, including Milk. Analyzed international market trends, identified potential markets, and managed product development cycle. Led the Latin America consumer research and sales team for flavored milk. Project managed cross-functional teams including product and packaging development, consumer insights, category management, finance, sales team, logistics and operations.
- 2 years, Mar 2012 - Feb 2014
Marketing Coordinator
Coordinated in researching, identifying, and pursuing new business opportunities for the core business product, Scotch Brite scouring sponge. Managed marketing, sales and business strategies based on consumer insights through an integrated marketing campaign. Devised effective management and pricing strategies to maximize business pursuits, client retention, and promotional plans. Key Achievements • Delivered sales growth of 80% to 176% of new operating income.
Educational background for Anais Virchez
- 3 years and 11 months, Mar 2007 - Jan 2011
Universidad del Valle de México
First language
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