András Debreczeni-Pocsveiler
Professional experience for András Debreczeni-Pocsveiler
- Current 4 years and 6 months, since Sep 2020Facelift brand building technologies GmbH
Senior PHP Backend Developer
CMS, Website, APIs, Microservices Entwicklung (PHP Symfony, C# .NET Core) Administration interner Systeme (Jira, Confluence, Gitlab) Website und Performance Monitoring (New Relic) Linux Server Administration, Konfiguration Externer Systeme Technische Beratung für Neukunden bei System-Empfehlungen, Technologien, Hosting und Performance Optimierung, Standardisierung von Arbeitsprozessen und Technologien Qualitätsprüfung und -versicherung externer Entwicklungspartner
CMS, Website, APIs, Microservices Development with PHP (Symfony, eZ Publish, Sulu CMS) Administration of internal and external systems, DevOps (Jira, Confluence, Gitlab, Red Hat, Rundeck) Website and Performance Monitoring (New Relic, Prometheus)
- 2 years and 3 months, Jan 2010 - Mar 2012
PHP Developer
Blueray Ltd. Hungary
CMS, Full-Stack Website Development with PHP (Joomla) Server Administration (linux), Hosting and Monitoring (nagios) of all client websites/servers
Educational background for András Debreczeni-Pocsveiler
- 2 years and 4 months, Sep 2003 - Dec 2005
Computer programming
Nationales Berufsbildungsinstitut (Budapest, Ungarn)
C++, Visual Basic, PHP
First language
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