André Ullmann - verfügbar ab Juli
Professional experience for André Ullmann - verfügbar ab Juli
- 2 years and 7 months, Sep 2020 - Mar 2023
RTE / Senior Scrum Master / Agile Coach SAFe RTL+
CBC Cologne Broadcasting Center GmbH / Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland
•RTE mit 7 Teams Backend und Frontend GraphQL, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, SonarQube, Git, Grafana •Frontend React, Next.js, JacaScript, CSS, Html, NodeJS, LightningJS •BFF DevOps/Cloud •Scrum, Kanban, OKR, Design Thinking, Qualitätssicherung, Teststrategien •Feature Refinement, SoS, PI Planning, Stakeholder Kommunikation, Prozess Management, Roadmap und Ziel Erarbeitung •Train Metriken KPI, OKR, NPS, AgilityHealth, Velocity, CFD, und diverse Flow Metriken •Jira, Confluence, Miro, Teams, Slack
- 7 months, Jun 2022 - Dec 2022
SAFe Coach / Agile Coach
SAP SE, Walldorf, Germany
• Aufbau von Lean Agile Change Agents • Training der Executives, Managers und Leaders • Identify Value Streams and ARTs durch einen Value Stream Identification Workshops • Entwicklung eines SAFe Implementierungsplans • Training von Leadership, POPM, SM, Teams • Start eines Trains und erster Support als RTE • Individual Coaching der Führungskräfte • Arbeiten mit Mural, Teams, Sharepoint etc
- 5 months, May 2020 - Sep 2020
Agile Coach / Scrum Master
ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Solutions GmbH
Agile Coach und Transformation Manager für die Evaluierung und Implementierung eines agilen skalierbaren Frameworks für ein Agile Business Intelligence Products • Audit und Beobachtung von 5 Teams in ihrem Scrum Vorgehensmodells • Erarbeiten mehrere Optimierungsmaßnahmen in deren Transformation • Begleiten der Teams als Scrum Master (übergangsweise für 5 Teams)
- 5 months, Nov 2019 - Mar 2020E.ON Digital Technology GmbH
Scrum Master / Agile Coach - Scaled SAFe environement
•Servant Leader für zwei Product Owner, 15 Teammitglieder •Coachen der Product Owner, Scrum Master, Entwickler und weiteren Rollen in der Organisation. •Durchführen der Scrum Events DSU, Planning, Review, Retrospective, Refinement •Verfolgen und beseitigen von Hindernissen/Impediments •Festlegung, Verfolgung und Verbesserung quantitativer und qualitativer Metriken zur Teamleistung Velocity, Flow, Durchsatz, WIP Limits •Schnittstellen zu Finanz, DWH, Salesforce, Middleware, Sales and Service
Scrum Master and Coach for the Z-Lab team in Munich. Set-up a Scrum Team with all Artifacts, Events and Roles and implementation of agile Mindset.
- 5 months, Feb 2018 - Jun 2018Travian Games GmbH
Scrum Product Owner / Agile Coach / Solution Architect
The Solution Architect is the central figure in the planning process of a software project and usually accompanies the actual development process in order to ensure the implementation of the developed architecture, its specifications and best practices and to identify emerging problems early on and with a view of the overall solution.
Int. Global Intranet Manager Responsible for the corporate intranet platform based on O365 SharePoint Online. Program contains Product Owner for the technical development side, Rollout Management, Content Distribution, Intranet Change Management and Marketing, Training and LiveCycle Management
- 12 years and 6 months, Jan 2005 - Jun 2017
Pro-Medial GmbH
Agiles Projektmanagement (Scrum, Wasserfall, V-Model), Entwicklung von E-Commerce Lösungen (Online Shop) sowie komplexe Marketplace Lösungen. Konzeption von Online Produkten Teamleitung von bis zu 8 Mitarbeitern + Freelancer Einsatzmittelplanung Projekt Management (Multiproject Management) Anforderungsmanagement (Proxy) Product Owner Scrum Master Tools: Jira, Confluence, Asana, Trello, Harvest Time Tracking, div. Cloud Anwendungen
- 1 year and 11 months, Feb 2015 - Dec 2016ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE
Senior Product Manager / Scrum Master & PO
Scrum Master und Online-Product Solution Owner für diverser SW Applikationen im Internet und Intranet. Presselounge Media Asset Management Streaming Platform Screening Platform Presse Kontakt Datenbank (Convento) EPG Service Tools: Jira, Confluence
- 2 years and 3 months, Jan 2013 - Mar 2015
PerformNet AG, where Benchmarks and Ratings are designed
- 4 months, Jul 2013 - Oct 2013
Brand Manager / Project Manager
Unify GmbH & Co. KG
Brand Manager and Project Lead for rebranding Siemens Enterprise Communications to Unify brand for the workstream Services & Training
- 3 years and 6 months, 2010 - Jun 2013
Head of Global Operations and IT Management (APT)
Siemens Enterprise Communications GmbH & Co. KG
Project Manager, Business Analyst, Product Manager, Operations Manager, Online Product Manager, Marketing Manager,
- 2010 - 2010
IT Project Manager
Entwicklung einer internationalen Business Community - COB / COP
- 2007 - 2008
IT-Consulting, Business Manager
GFU GmbH, Project Management for NSN
- 2005 - 2005
PLM Logistic of HW-Systems Siemens Com
WOW consulting GMBH
- 2004 - 2004
Datenbank Recherge und Verwaltung
eVision Systems
- 2001 - 2004
System Betreuer, Teamleiter, Consulting
Login und Solutions AG
- 2001 - 2001
Münchenstift München
Educational background for André Ullmann - verfügbar ab Juli
- 2011 - 2013
Master of International Medial Communication
SDI Hochschule Munich
Language & Communication (Analytic, Editorial) IT & Digital Media (CMS, Semantic, SMO&SEO) Entrepreneur Management & Processes
- 2006 - 2009
Bachelor of IT Management (BWL Diplom)
Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin
School of Management and Innovation
First language
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