Andrea Schrade
Selbstständig, Redakteurin + Consultant, Freelancer + Publisher
Berlin, Germany
Professional experience for Andrea Schrade
- Current 16 years and 10 months, since May 2008
Redakteurin + Consultant
Freelancer + Publisher
- 8 years and 1 month, Apr 2000 - Apr 2008
Grouphead Redaktion
I-D Media AG Berlin
- 4 years and 3 months, Jan 1996 - Mar 2000
Texterin / Online-Redakteurin
I-D Gruppe Essingen
- 1 year, Jan 1995 - Dec 1995
Copywriter / Translator
Babel Translations in Chiswick, London
- 1 year, Jan 1995 - Dec 1995
Translator / Marketing Assistant
Blenheim Exhibitions and Conferences Limited in Chiswick, London
- 10 months, Oct 1994 - Jul 1995
Foreigen Language Assistant
Chiswick Community School London
Educational background for Andrea Schrade
Université de Bourgogne Dijon
University of West London
Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft in Germersheim
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
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