Andreas Bürgel
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Professional experience for Andreas Bürgel
- Current 1 year and 3 months, since Nov 2023
Lead Software-Engineer Automation
Scala Stage Systems & Services GmbH
- 1 year and 9 months, Jan 2022 - Sep 2023Compleo Charging Solutions AG
Senior-Software-Engineer, Entwicklungsingenieur
innogy is a part of Compleo since January 2022. - development of a LED-stripe control device (bare metal, STM32L431) - development of a control device for power-electronics modules (FreeRTOS, STM32H7) - CAN communication - MQTT communication - C++, Linux, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse
- 8 months, May 2021 - Dec 2021innogy eMobility Solutions GmbH
Senior-Software-Engineer, Entwicklungsingenieur
- software-/firmware-development for wallboxes and charging columns for - ARM CPUs and micro-controllers (STM32) running - Yocto-Linux and FreeRTOS with - C/C++, bash,
- 10 months, Jul 2020 - Apr 2021Kostal Industrie Elektrik GmbH
Embedded-Linux Software-Engineer, Entwicklungsingenieur, Systemarchitekt
- system-architect for embedded-Linux SOC PCBs selecting SOC, WLAN, switch-device and software-architecture - software-/firmware-development for - Yocto-Linux based NXP platforms - controlling photovoltaic power inverters - home-automation development - with C++, bash, Java
- 13 years and 6 months, Jan 2007 - Jun 2020Caterpillar Global Mining Europe GmbH
Senior-Software-Engineer, Entwicklungsingenieur
design, architecture and implementation of automation-systems-software for underground mining; firmware-/application-development, communication-/system-management-software with C++, C and Java on FreeRTOS and Linux for ARM- and x86-platforms; board support package; build-system; shell-scripts; EtherNet/IP and DeviceNet; HMI development;Matlab/Simulink hardware-in-the-loop simulation; Linux-specialist; web-development; tool-development; GUI applications; saving the world
- 4 years and 5 months, Aug 2002 - Dec 2006
Continentale Versicherung a.G.
Java/J2EE/JEE projects, feasibility studies, MFC-based diagnostics software, development and implementation of a company-wide Single-Sign-On infrastructure
- 1 year and 8 months, Sep 2000 - Apr 2002
Senior Embedded-Software Engineer
GenoLogic GmbH
development of low-level hardware-drivers, OS ports to self- developed hardware, real-time software-development, C++ framework-development, writing of developer manuals, team-leader of software- and hardware-developers, project management
- 2 years and 7 months, Feb 1998 - Aug 2000
AMG Industrie Consulting
Java framework- and application-development for a distributed and database-centric system using a self-developed application-server and web-framework, persistence-layer/OR-mapper development, administration of Linux- and Solaris-servers, design of a Linux-server-box, 2nd-level-support, leader of small developer group (students)
Educational background for Andreas Bürgel
- 6 years, Oct 1991 - Sep 1997
Ingenieur-Informatik / Angewandte Informatik
TU Dortmund
Informatik (Systemanalyse, Simulation, Grafische Systeme, Rechnerarchitektur); Elektrotechnik (Datentechnik, Steuer- und Regelungstechnik, Robotertechnik); BWL; computer-science; electrical-engineering; business-administration
First language
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