Andrew Williams
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Professional experience for Andrew Williams
- Current 4 years and 2 months, since Jan 2021
Technical Development Manager
Leading a team of developers, building eCommerce websites with Magento and Shopify and integrating systems to build scalable high-performance websites.
- 2 years and 8 months, May 2018 - Dec 2020
Lead Software Engineer
The Harley Medical Group
Deputising for the Head of IT Working with the Finance Director to development of IT strategy across the business, including at exec meetings to report on current developments, potential future projects. Management of dev, test and release and DevOps environments. Development of both internal facing and public apps mostly in CakePHP or Python with a MSSQL db but also Filemaker plus Laravel and Vue.JS on a MySQL db. Also APIs with 3rd party providers. Managing staff within the software team.
- 1 year and 11 months, Jul 2016 - May 2018
Analyst / Developer
The Harley Medical Group
Responsible for developing layouts and scripts on custom eclinic patient management software based on Filemaker Pro running in windows environment. Creating a web app interface into eclinic based on CakePHP using the Filemaker PHP interface to allow access to eclinic on tablets in clinics. Creation of web apps to share data between data sources such as MySQL, MSSQL, Filemaker and REST. Analysing processes within the business to automate and streamline processes.
- 3 years and 3 months, May 2013 - Jul 2016
Software Developer / Sys Admin
Fluid7 Ltd
Developed a wide range of websites and web applications, primary taking responsibility for backend and API development. This involved taking part in all aspects of system design and implementation particularly relating to data, back end data processing, payment gateway integration and reporting areas. Assisted with training junior members of the team. Managed range of Linux servers both internal and external and took responsibility for deployment of software to live and development servers.
- 1 year and 1 month, May 2012 - May 2013
PHP Developer
PC Control Systems Ltd
Worked as a member a team writing a web app tracking repairs and warranties for the White and Brown Goods market. System developed in PHP using Smarty and a custom MVC framework and the back end database runs on MySQL Developed the REST based API to allow legacy applications and third parties to upload details of products warranties, customer appointments and repair jobs. Wrote the interface with the APIs of major electronics retailers such as Samsung and online routing / scheduling planners.
- 6 years and 11 months, Jul 2005 - May 2012
AW CompuTech Ltd
Undertook technical design and development of web design and application development for both Windows and Unix. Designed various websites from simple “brochure” static sites to dynmanic pages in PHP driving a MySQL database. These pages ranged from simple customised Content Management Systems up to web applications. Used C++, wxWidgets PHP, MYSQL, Prestashop
- 3 years and 4 months, Mar 2002 - Jun 2005
Analyst Programmer
Milton Keynes Council
Responsible for the system analysis, design, development and testing of small to medium scale databases using MS Access / VBA / DAO / TSQL. I also developed coding standards and a library for MS Access development within my team. Later I developed web based database applications using ASP. In addition to my database development role above I have been responsible for small scale project management, data collection and analysis and procurement of off the shelf systems as required within the council.
- 3 years and 1 month, Jul 1998 - Jul 2001
Software Development Engineer
Marconi Communications
Initially worked on design, development and test of the GP operating system for the System X telephone exchange. This project was developed in C and tested using scripts on a proprietary shell running on top of LynxOS Latterly worked on development, maintenance, support and test of the Integrated Service Platform, a sub- system that controls and interfaces with the System X telephone exchange. The code for this sub-system was written in C and Unix shell scripts for UnixWare
- 1 year and 2 months, Jul 1996 - Aug 1997
IT Support Technician
Perkins Engines (Peterborough) Ltd
Duties involved planning of networks, including implementation of new switched ATM site backbone, management and integration of networks, involving Novell NetWare Servers, Mainframe Gateways, NT Servers and UNIX Servers, running various systems including critical production systems. I was actively involved with designing standards and implementing TCP/IP on the LANs. Provided desktop support to users and design and teaching of beginners courses on Microsoft Windows and networking.
Educational background for Andrew Williams
- 1 month, Jul 2001 - Jul 2001
Deutsch Institut Tirol
- 3 years and 10 months, Sep 1994 - Jun 1998
Computer Science
Coventry University
First language
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