Antonia Garcia Duarte
Looking for a different Antonia Garcia Duarte?
Professional experience for Antonia Garcia Duarte
- Driving innovation campaigns: preparation, execution and follow up initiatives - Support of product groups - Enable networking: execution of innovation events, innovation communities, external networking - Run ideation workshops and campaigns: think tanks, customer journeys, applying innovation tools and ensuring customer centricity - Establishment of initiatives to foster an innovation culture - Supporting open innovation formats such as makeathons, hackathons, accelerator & incubator Programmes
- Responsible for managing feasibility projects the field of signal giving technologies (sensors) - Technology monitoring - Execution of Innovation/ideation workshops - Running networking formats/initiatives
- 2 years and 1 month, Jun 2013 - Jun 2015
Trainee Portfoliomanagement
GEA Farm Technologies GmbH
Supporting the following activities: - Lifecycle analysis of products - Product benchmarking - Product portfolio cleaning - Deduction of Next Generation product portfolio incl. strategy - Product group roadmaps - Supporting product group strategy initiatives with annual product group planning
- 1 year and 6 months, Aug 2012 - Jan 2014
Ausbildung Industriekauffrau / Dual Trainee Industrial Clerk
GEA Farm Technologies GmbH
Duales Studium (Industriekauffrau + Bachelor Business Administration) Dual Trainee (Industrial Clerk + Bachelor Business Administration)
Educational background for Antonia Garcia Duarte
- 1 year and 5 months, Sep 2016 - 2018
Technology & Innovation Management
FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management
- 3 years, Sep 2012 - Aug 2015
Business Administration
FOM – Fachhochschule fuer Oekonomie und Management
Marketing and Sales, International Management
First language
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