Ashot Harutyunyan
Professional experience for Ashot Harutyunyan
- Current 14 years and 11 months, since Mar 2010
Senior Frontend Developer
Creating web based solutions, focusing in front-end and integration development, leveraging AngularJS, HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, and Web APIs. Defining and interpreting feature requests, documenting those requests in functional specifications, and designing specific product and features for stability, usability, and maintainability. Collaborating with business teams to clarify requirements and business needs. Developing system applications to organization’s coding standards and quality.
- Current
Senior Frontend developer
Develandoo LLC
Mentoring team members around software development and architectural best practices Creating architectural specifications with consistent scale/security Developing software that is modular, scalable, stable and optimized Working with teams across multiple areas to drive automation, establish software standards, service modularity, code reuse, testing, and deployment/management of services Cultivating subject matter expertise with AngularJS
Educational background for Ashot Harutyunyan
- 1 year and 9 months, Sep 2009 - May 2011
Web programming
Gyumri Information Technologies Center
- 4 years and 8 months, Sep 2005 - Apr 2010
Information Security Department
State Engineering University of Armenia
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