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Axel Bagszas

Gesellschafter, Geschäftsführer, Bagszas Logistics Technologies GmbH
Berlin, Germany



Professional experience for Axel Bagszas

  • Current 5 years and 1 month, since Feb 2020


    Bagszas Logistics Technologies GmbH

    Bagszas Logistics Technologies bietet innovative und einfach umzusetztende Logistiklösungen, die schnelle Einsparungsmöglichkeiten und Prozessverbesserungen ermöglichen. Wir entwickeln Lösungen auf der Grundlage von Design Think-Prinzipien und kombinieren dabei etablierte Hardware mit innovativer Technologie aus innovativen Start- oder Scale-Ups. Wir freuen uns über Ihren Anruf, Mail, Xing Nachricht oder besuchen Sie uns am Zentrum für Digitale Innovation, Leightonstr. 4, 97076 Würzburg.

  • Current 6 years and 2 months, since Jan 2019

    Senior Advisor

    Metrilus GmbH

    Das Computer Vision start-up Metrilus, Erlangen entwickelt Automatisierung Systeme mit 3D Kameras für die Medizintechnik, Automobilwirtschaft oder die Logistik Wir entwickeln mit Metrilus die Produktfamilie MetriXFreight, die im Begriff ist den Markt für die Dimensionierung im Lager und Transport zu revolutionieren. Hohe Genauigkeit, Messungen in Millisekunden und eine einfache und individuell angepasste Integration in Logistik Prozesse schaffen ganz neue Möglichkeiten in der Logistik und B2B e-commerce.

  • Current 7 years and 9 months, since Jun 2017

    Logistics Expert

    eccelerate GmbH - eCommerce Consulting

    Ich unterstütze das eccelerate Team in allen Aspekten der digitalen Transformation der Supply Chain / und der Logistik. Uns eint der pragmatische Beratungsansatz, der Spaß an guten Projekten und am dem Umgang mit den Menschen, die diese umsetzen.

  • Current 8 years and 8 months, since Jul 2016


    Bagszas Industrial Logistics


  • 4 years and 6 months, 2012 - Jun 2016

    Head of Logistics Industrial Market


    Responsible for the development of logistics solutions for SKF’s Industrial Market. This includes the development of logistics solutions like a returnable packaging solution for oversized bearings, wind industry OEM and spare part service concepts, service stock concepts for major global customers, logistics for manufacturing footprint projects, Inbound Logistics concept from Emerging markets, lead-time optimisation projects, lead-time optimisation projects or sustainability improvement.

  • 2009 - 2011

    Manager Global Inbound Logistics


    Leading the development of a new inbound logistics solution for SKF’s manufacturing units and suppliers through a global internal logistics organisation. The solution developed in a global matrix consists of the inbound (air/ocean/road/rail) transportation consolidation, bonded/non-bonded warehousing solutions, global customs alignment, packaging standardisation and the financial handling.

  • 2006 - 2008

    Manager Business Development, Transportation and Customer Service


    Responsible for Business Development, Sales and Marketing for external and internal customers. The focus was on winning and implementing new key account customers enabling cost, inventory and lead-time reductions as well as increased product sales. In my role as Transportation Manager I was responsible for the transportation purchasing and coordination (15 M€) for Central and East Europe.

  • 2003 - 2006

    Business Development Manager

  • 2000 - 2002

    Niederlassungsleiter, Prokurist

    TTS Global Logistics

    General Manager (Prokurist); management of a unit with 100+ staff, 15 M€ budget, Key Accounts management of major Fast Moving Consumer Goods producers (Bacardi, Birkel, Colgate etc.) and retail companies (Metro..). Provided services were central/regional distribution centre management and inbound/distribution transportation.

  • 1997 - 1999

    Customer Service and Project Manager

    TTS Global Logistics

  • 1995 - 1996

    Assistent der Geschäftsleitung & Management Trainee

    TTS Global Logistics

  • 1993 - 1995

    Hafenarbeiter & Kellner (longshoreman /& waiter)

    Hafen Hamburg & Cafe Nanu

Educational background for Axel Bagszas

  • 1999 - 2000


    IHK Frankfurt am Main (Chamber of Commerce)

    Transport management (Air/Ocean/Rail/Road), Warehousing, Customs, Packaging, Material flow management etc.


  • German


  • English


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