Dr. Babette Sonntag

Angestellt, Head of Smart City Platform and Software Solutions, Stadtwerke Lübeck Digital GmbH

Lübeck, Deutschland

Über mich

Ich bin Expertin für Innovationsstrategie, Innovationsmanagement und Projektmanagement. Als Innonautin begeistere ich mich für verschiedenste Themen aus dem Innovationsuniversum. Mit meinem Blog möchte ich andere Begeisterte inspirieren: https://www.dieinnonautin.de

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Strategy development
Innovation Management
New Business Development
Program Management
International Management
Agile Methods
Hybrid Project Management
Management of Change
Facilitation of workshops
Project management
Team Motivation
Business Development
Intercultural Communication
Keep track of things
Understand and handle complex issues
Strategy deployment
Moderation von Workshops
Stay calm


Berufserfahrung von Babette Sonntag

  • Bis heute 8 Monate, seit Dez. 2023

    Head of Smart City Platform and Software Solutions

    Stadtwerke Lübeck Digital GmbH

    Smart people make smart cities!

  • Bis heute 1 Jahr und 2 Monate, seit Juni 2023

    Die Innonautin - Blog zu Innovationsmanagement und Ideation


  • 2 Jahre und 8 Monate, Apr. 2021 - Nov. 2023

    Manager and Group Lead Technology Collaboration - R&D Innovation

    Basler AG

    Collaboration with external tech partners, global (vision) technology and innovation trend scouting, innovation project management, management of technology transfer, ideation, innovation strategy, building the R&D innovation team, team forming

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, Nov. 2018 - März 2021

    Strategic Program Manager - Corp. Organization Development

    Basler AG

    Program management for strategic initiatives and projects, Corporate development, Cross company strategy consulting (e.g. Sales, International cooperation, ...), Business development, International project management (focus on Asia), M&A management, Agile project management, Hybrid project management, Pushing forward the organization (new work, new market trends, tools and technlogies,...), Facilitation of workshops, Developing new ideas, Management of Change

  • 2 Jahre und 7 Monate, Apr. 2016 - Okt. 2018

    Senior Project Manager - Organization Projects

    Basler AG

    Project management, Management of strategic projects, Strategy development, Inhouse consulting, Corporate development, Definition of new processes (innovation, project mangement, M&A management), Pushing forward the organization (new work, new technologies, worldwide cooperation/integration,...), Workshop facilitation, Cross company coordination of strategic initiatives, Management of change

  • 2 Jahre, Apr. 2014 - März 2016

    Project Manager - Organization Projects

    Basler AG

    Management of complex strategic and change projects, Facilitation of strategy and innovation workshops, Strategy development, Process optimization (project management, customer relationship, data security,...), Communication, Management of Change, Cross company coordination of strategic initiatives

  • 2012 - 2014

    Senior Business Developer, Senior Projektleiter

    T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH

    Project management (digitization, process optimization), Innovation and idea management, International project management, Business development (e.g. procurement, mobile solutions, collaboration,...), Technology networks, Cooperation projects, Facilitation of innovation workshops, Inhouse consulting, Communication

  • 2010 - 2012

    Lehrbeauftragte (nebenberuflich)

    Europäische Wirtschafts- und Sprachenakademie EWS Dresden

    Lecturer "International management"

  • 2006 - 2012

    Principal Strategist International Business

    T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH

    Strategic business development, Business analysis, New business planning, Project management for international market entry projects (UK, East Europe, North America), Innovation management, Trainer for innovation management, Technology cooperations, Funding, Facilitation of intercultural trainings

  • 2004 - 2006

    Projektleiterin internat. Standortmarketing ITK-Branche

    Invest in Germany GmbH

    International project management (focus on Media/IT), International relocation consulting, Trend scouting for new technologies, Technology cooperations, Technology funding, Network management for business partners, Investor acquisition, Marketing and market positioning of German high tech, Focus on Japan and North Americas, Organization and facilitation of large business conferences, Management of economic development projects on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economics

  • 2000 - 2004

    Projektleiterin Investorenakquisition/Technologieberatung IT-Branche

    ZukunftsAgentur Brandenburg GmbH

    Investment and relocation consulting, Trend scouting for new technologies, Technology funding, Project management with focus on new media/IT, Analysis and assessment of new technology trends, Relocation consulting, Assessment of busines plans on behalf of the Investment Bank, Consulting for business start-ups, International business networking for local companies

  • 1998 - 1999

    Projektmanagement Wirtschaftsförderung

    NRW Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan

    International business networking for Japanese companies, Relocation consulting, Business consulting, Project management for relocation projects, Acquisition of FDI, Marketing

Ausbildung von Babette Sonntag

  • 1994 - 1995


    Kyoto University, Japan

    Economics, Japanese language,

  • 1991 - 1998


    Freie Universität Berlin

    Economics, Management, Japanese Economics, Japanese, International relations (ASEAN)


  • Deutsch


  • Englisch


  • Japanisch


  • Chinesisch


  • Russisch




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