Barbara Sametinger
Professional experience for Barbara Sametinger
- Current 12 years and 1 month, since 2013
Dozentin für den Studiengang zum Dipl. Intercultural Manager/Managerin
Höheren Fachhochschule für Tourismus Graubünden, Schweiz.
- Current 17 years and 1 month, since 2008
Communication & Intercultural Trainer
Sametinger Business English & Cross-Cultural Training
I am a Cross-Cultural Consultant / Intercultural Trainer, Coach, English Language Consultant and Communication Trainer for business professionals, English Coach and Trainer, Business English Trainer
- 2003 - 2008
The Director of Studies
The Cambridge Institute
responsible for teaching staff and student programs, teacher training, corporate relations and training, course development
Educational background for Barbara Sametinger
- 1998 - 1999
University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
- 1995 - 1998
Lettres Modernes - French Studies
Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier, France
- 1990 - 1995
International Studies, English
University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Culture, Economy, Political Science, History, Sociology
First language
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