Barbara Wieser
Looking for a different Barbara Wieser?
Professional experience for Barbara Wieser
Establishing and scaling up the company, achieving an annual success rate of 40 – 50 recruitments; Leading a team of up to 7 recruiters and backbone assistants; Acting as a key advisor for national and international clients; Consulting clients in their organizational set-up and hiring strategies, contributing to the clients’ success; Ensuring a smooth and efficient recruitment process; Building a strong network extending well beyond the digital industry
- 6 years and 6 months, Nov 2005 - Apr 2012
Managing Partner
hans hofmann & partner, search & solutions
Leading a team of 8 recruiters and researchers; Providing key advisory services to national and international clients; Spearheading talent recruitment and sourcing; Co-created a job platform and played a founding role in establishing jobsource AG.
Planning, organizing, advertising and marketing the trade show (more than 70’000 visitors); Defining the events within the trade fair; Coordinating exhibitors; Negotiating with vendors; Handling logistics
- 3 months, Oct 2001 - Dec 2001
Public Relations Officer
Developing PR strategies; Cultivating relationships with the media; Drafting press releases; Handling crisis communication; Leading internal communication
- 2 years and 2 months, Aug 1999 - Sep 2001Flughafen Zürich AG
Executive Assistant to the Management Board
Managing complex scheduling and organising travel arrangements (hotels, flights, transfers); Developing visitor tours of the 5th construction phase; Managing and moderating complex events, catering to over 1000 guests; Organising meetings and conference calls
First language
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