Bernd Kestler

Inhaber, Trainer, Coach and passionate knitter, Independent

Yokohama, Japan


Berufserfahrung von Bernd Kestler

  • Bis heute 17 Jahre und 4 Monate, seit Feb. 2007

    Trainer, Coach and passionate knitter


    I collect and distribute knit/ crochet items, yarn and tools for victims of the Tohoku earthquake in Japan. Over the past month using social media I received hundreds of handmade items, several hundred balls of wool and needles for distribution at shelters for the earthquake victims. I organize and conduct knitting classes at shelter in Kanagawa and Tohoku. 世界の皆様よりニットや毛糸、針などを提供してもらい、避難所の方々に届けます。


  • Englisch


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