Dr. Bernd Litzka

to be in good company!

Angestellt, Authorised Manager, IPR & Commercial Expert, aws ERP Fund

Wien, Österreich

Über mich

With his technical expertise and business experience, Bernd Litzka has developed several patented inventions in the US and Europe. He has successfully commercialized his own patents with international tech investors. Bernd holds a PhD in Economic Sciences (specializing in the commercialization of high-tech startups) and currently serves as a lecturer at Austrian universities. Bernd was a program manager at the Federal Austrian Development Bank (AWS), where he played a key role in establishing the Austrian Business Angels Federation and the national matching service, i2 Business Angels Austria. Additionally, Bernd successfully restructured and completed the Austrian EIF Business Angels Co-Investment Fund. He currently applies his practical expertise in the role of an authorized manager for loans & grants to commercialize national high-tech projects, as well as initiatives related to innovation and digitalization (Industry 4.0), through the federal ERP Fund (Marshall Plan).

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Kommerzialisierung neuer Technologien
Technologietransfer KMU & Industrie
Erfolgsfaktoren Analyse
Industrie 4.0
Business Angels
Die hohe Kunst des Erklärens


Berufserfahrung von Bernd Litzka

  • Bis heute 6 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2017

    Authorised Manager, IPR & Commercial Expert

    aws ERP Fund

  • Bis heute 23 Jahre und 5 Monate, seit März 2001

    Entrepreneur, University Lecturer

    Ing. Mag. Dr. Bernd Litzka

    www.patentagent.at - Lecturer with academic and practical expertise to commercialize IPR - www.patentagent.info Chairperson: Auditor at the BAI - Business Angel Institute Austria; Lecturer at: University St. Gallen, Johannes Kepler University - Linz, University of Economics and Business - Vienna Since 2001 Founder (tech start up) and Shareholder, Company for Certifications and Standards (a-zert);

  • 2 Jahre und 5 Monate, Juli 2015 - Nov. 2017

    Co Director

    BAE Business Angels Europe

  • 6 Jahre und 10 Monate, Nov. 2010 - Aug. 2017

    Programm Manager, Equity Finance

    Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH

    EAF - European Angels Fund, aws - Business Angel Fonds, i2 - Business Angels Austria, ABAF - The Austrian Business Angels Network & Federation

  • 10 Jahre und 10 Monate, Jan. 2000 - Okt. 2010

    Investment Manager; Start up & Entrepreneurship

    Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH

    Due Dilligence: Start up & High-Tech Financing

  • 1 Jahr und 4 Monate, Sep. 1998 - Dez. 1999

    Business Analyst, Loans

    ERP-Fonds, 1010 Wien

    Commercial Due Diligence, Rating

  • 3 Jahre und 1 Monat, Juni 1995 - Juni 1998

    Sales Agent

    Wesser GmbH
  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Jan. 1994 - Jan. 1995

    Laboratory Assistant

    VOEZ Vereinigung der Österreichischen Zementindustrie

    Inorganic Chemistry, Materials Analysis

  • 2 Jahre, Jan. 1992 - Dez. 1993

    Laboratory Assistant

    Tyrolit Schleifmittelwerke Swarovski KG

    Materials Sciences, Ceramics & Metals

Ausbildung von Bernd Litzka

  • 5 Jahre und 4 Monate, Feb. 2009 - Mai 2014

    Economic Sciences

    JKU Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

    Promotion at the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development : Dr. Norbert Kailer, Dr. Manfred Pils, Dr. Matthias Fink; Research on Success Factors: "Kein Patentrezept für Start Ups, Die Eignung von Patenten als Erfolgsindikator für Technologie Gründungen"

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Jan. 1997 - Jan. 1998


    CBS Copenhagen Business School


  • 5 Jahre und 8 Monate, Sep. 1994 - Apr. 2000

    WU Vienna University of Economics & Business

    E-Government: Dr. Hansen, Dr. Werthner; Retailing & E-Commerce: Dr. Schnedlitz


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