Bijoy Singh
Professional experience for Bijoy Singh
- Current 1 year and 11 months, since Mar 2023
Database Marketing Specialist
Create and manage automated data enrichment flows to ensure updated accounts and contacts in SFDC (Salesforce) Coordinate with internal teams to develop targeted lists to target Addressable Markets and Identify opportunities for improvement Tools used : Demandbase , Marketo, Salesforce, Bloomberg, Advanced Excel, Google Sheets, Sales Navigator, Secondary Market Research. Manage a Team of 4 members from Outsourcing agency and validate their data enrichment, data validation and data governance
- 1 year and 11 months, May 2021 - Mar 2023
Senior Executive Market Research
Trigent Software
Conducted thorough secondary market research, identified accounts and contacts, and manage master data Interacted with stakeholders to comprehend objectives and surface valuable insights. Took responsibility of master data management and validate data validation, competitive intelligence and proposing innovative tools as enhancements. Maintain salesforce account and master data management via various tool like Zoom info, Bloomberg, Salesforce , Google Sheets , Linkedin Sales Navigator
- 1 year and 9 months, Apr 2019 - Dec 2020
Market Research Analyst
SiliconMedia Technologies Pvt Ltd
Enrich contacts and accounts data to develop targeted lists and import it to the Marketo/Marketing automation platform. Collaboration with the sales team to manage master data in Salesforce account and contact data through data validation Enrich the marketing lists via multiple channels including Sales Navigator, Zoom info, Company Websites, and Demandbase. Utilized tools like Advanced Excel, Google Sheets, CRM, Zoom info, Dun & Bradstreet Hoovers and Marketo for maintaining any data-related issues
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