Dr. Burkhard Münker
Professional experience for Burkhard Münker
- Current 9 years and 2 months, since Jan 2016
Engineering your safety- and mission-critical systems
system.network, icomod UG & Co. KG
- Manage Complexity in System Engineering, Safety Analysis and Operation&Maintenance, e.g. by Modelbased technologies - for Fault analyses/FMEA, Diagnostics, Prognostics & Health Management - Improve Quality and reduce costs by Outsourcing Workpackages esp. in the area of Safety-relevant systems and Critical Embedded Software, Test-Automation, Ver&Val, Cert-Support (supported by our partners from Critical Software) - Digitalize Technology-Marketing, Staff-Onboarding, Business Communication, esp. for SMEs
- 6 years and 7 months, Apr 2011 - Oct 2017Universität Siegen
Lecturer "Advanced Modeling & Simulation/Safety"
Advanced lectures for international audience on topics like: system engineering process, physical system modeling, physical fault modeling, Modelica, modelbased safety-analyses, modelbased FMEA/FTA, modelbased diagnosis;
- 6 years, Jan 2010 - Dec 2015
Consultant und Coach für Modelbased Safety-/Systems-Engineering
icomod - innovation consulting modeling
„Recycling and Reusing your valuable puzzle pieces of System Engineering know-how …": Strukturierung und Optimierung Ihrer Prozesse zur System-Entwicklung und Safety-Analyse durch eine integrierte Betrachtung; Methodenverbesserung Requirements-Management, System-Engineering, Traceability, Dokumentation; Coaching; Training
- 1 year and 3 months, Oct 2008 - Dec 2009
Senior Application Engineer
Uptime Solutions AB (heute: Combitech AB), Linköping/Schweden
Key-Kontakt für Kunden aus SE, DE, F, UK; Projektmanager; Vetriebsunterstützung; Berater zur Gestaltung und Optimierung des parallelen Safety-und Produktentwicklungsprozesses für internationale Kunden hinsichtlich Standards wie ARP4754/4761; Autor
- 4 years and 6 months, Apr 2004 - Sep 2008
Senior Application Engineer
Sörman Information AB, Linköping/Schweden
- 5 years and 3 months, Jan 1999 - Mar 2004
Application Engineer
R.O.S.E. Informatik GmbH, Heidenheim a.d.Brenz
Educational background for Burkhard Münker
- 3 years and 10 months, Mar 1995 - Dec 1998
Prozeß- und Anlagentechnik
TU Berlin
- 2 years, Mar 1993 - Feb 1995
Uni Siegen
- 5 years and 5 months, Oct 1987 - Feb 1993
Uni Siegen
Theoretischer Maschinenbau
First language
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