Carolyn Woeber

Angestellt, Manager of Technical Support, Pointwise, Inc.

Fort Worth, Vereinigte Staaten

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Unstructured Mesh Generation
Hybrid Mesh Generation
Structured Mesh Generation
Geometry Clean-up
Technical Support
Software Testing
Software Design
Software Documentation
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE)
Computational fluid dynamics
Aerospace and Defense
Wind Energy / Wind Power
Naval Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering


Berufserfahrung von Carolyn Woeber

  • Bis heute 22 Jahre und 1 Monat, seit Mai 2002

    Manager of Technical Support

    Pointwise, Inc.

    With over 15 years of experience in mesh generation for a wide range of application areas, I actively participate in software design, mesh generation consulting, and serve as a mesh generation advocate through my work in professional workshops and other organizations. Additionally, I manage all Technical Support activities at Pointwise, which include direct customer support, quality assurance, training, consulting, and documentation.

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