Cecilia Espejo

Angestellt, Senior HMI, IxD and UX designer, e-solutions

Ulm, Deutschland

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

Graphic design
Art Direction
Project Management
design research
qualitative research (ethnographic research
visual thinking
teaching creative tools and creative methodology
communication strategy


Berufserfahrung von Cecilia Espejo

  • Bis heute 11 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Jan. 2013

    Senior HMI, IxD and UX designer


    Interaction Designer (HMI/ IxD / UX / UI) of infotainment solutions. Involved in reconcepting of future driven features. Facilitator and manager in innovation workshops. Implementation of new methodologies in testing programs and processes.

  • Bis heute 11 Jahre und 9 Monate, seit Nov. 2012

    Head of Design and Marketing

    M-Way Solutions GmbH

  • Bis heute 14 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Jan. 2010

    Project Manager [art direction, production and innovation]

    Desmond Table Producciones

    A Production Company specialized in service design for the independent fashion and product designers. Success: Design of 3 independant design markets [escondite_dite / el secreto de la habitación 330 / iloveuprojekt] My job: Service design / marketing and comunication strategy / art direction http://www.iloveuprojekt.com/ http://esconditedite.blogspot.com/

  • Bis heute 15 Jahre und 11 Monate, seit Sep. 2008

    CEO [project manager_art director_cultural manager_marketing strategist_innovati


    Little Miss Maimun is a creative studio with fashion and design showroom and innovation/education/creative LAB. Its innovation LAB is focused in independent fashion and product designers. We have come up to different projects such as: sustainable design collective design markets, pop up stores in abandoned/unused places, DIY publications and videos, etc. Our LAB is specially concerned by the role of education as a changemaker. We have had more than 600 students and fashion/craft designers in our LAB.

  • 11 Monate, Jan. 2012 - Nov. 2012

    Senior IxD and UX


    Interaction Designer (IxD / UX / UI) driving implementation. Involved in reconcepting of future driven and gesture features. Facilitator and manager in innovation workshops. Implementation of new methodologies in testing programs and processes. (Now Nokia Ulm site is about to be closed. I am currently looking for a Job in Germany. Meanwhile, involved in kyvyt.com project, a talent offer platform)

  • 8 Monate, März 2012 - Okt. 2012

    Senior IxD and UX


    Interaction Designer (IxD / UX / UI) driving implementation. Involved in reconcepting of future driven and gesture features. Facilitator and manager in innovation workshops. Implementation of new methodologies in testing programs and processes.

  • 6 Monate, Okt. 2011 - März 2012

    Service Designer and graphic deigner

    Freefog crêative studios

    Freefog is un creative studio specialized in (re) braining :: (re) braining is innovation :: (re) braining is looking for opportunities :: (re) braining is creative problem solving :: (re) braining is building a strategy for a better future :: (re) braining is (re) designing the whole :: (re) braining i looking for coherency [graphic design / multimedia / web / strategic design / service design / innovation / strategic marketing / events] www.freefog.es [web in process of re_braining]

  • 7 Monate, Juni 2010 - Dez. 2010

    Workshop manager and producer, Pop Up Store coresponsable and team manager

    Pop Up Store de La Maison

    La Maison pop up store is one of the projects we made with La Maison productions. This project attended to designer needs to sell their products and Moda Shoppings need to give value to an abandoned area in its Shopping center. There we could find independent design, fashion, art exhibitions and decoration solutions. During three months we included an extended cultural program to give unique features to this Pop Up Store.

  • 1 Jahr und 1 Monat, Juni 2009 - Juni 2010

    Art Director

    Avon Cosmetics

    I worked as an Art Director designing and coordinating photographers attending to Avon selling strategy. I presented art work to our Art Manger in Spain and representants of other Europe markets. I also gave ok to final art graphic layout artists prepared for the printer.

  • 4 Monate, Sep. 2009 - Dez. 2009

    Marketing Manager

    UAV Navigation

  • 1 Monat, Jan. 2008 - Jan. 2008

    Dirección de producción y marketing, Diseño, Artes gráficas, Decoración Manager

    AndreaRoo, eventos musicales

  • 3 Jahre und 1 Monat, Jan. 2003 - Jan. 2006

    CEO / Project Manager / dirección de arte y diseño


    [Proyectos decorativos para Hoteles, diseño gráfico y pintura decorativa aplicado al interiorismo] [CUENTAS destacadas: nh hoteles, Rayet hoteles, Armani home, Ac hoteles, Vincci hoteles]

  • 4 Jahre und 1 Monat, Jan. 1999 - Jan. 2003

    Dirección de arte

    Megamarketing Comunicación

    [CUENTAS destacadas: Alcatel, Wilkhanhn, Sudchemie, Danone]

Ausbildung von Cecilia Espejo

  • 9 Jahre und 10 Monate, Sep. 1994 - Juni 2004

    Bellas Artes

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid

    Diseño gráfico y dirección de arte


  • Spanisch


  • Englisch


  • Französisch


  • Portugiesisch



meta designing
passion for the Arts

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