Chris Jones

Student, Information and Library Studies, The Robert Gordon University

Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich

Fähigkeiten und Kenntnisse

I am a forward thinking Information Professional a
develop and implement a system to extensively cata
York. I am always transparent with colleagues and
if required.


Berufserfahrung von Chris Jones

  • 3 Monate, Okt. 2010 - Dez. 2010


    Living Museum of Dog Mushing

    • Employed to catalogue all of the artefacts within the collection. As none of the artefacts have been catalogued to date I was required to design and implement a system that would not only create a comprehensive inventory of the collection but also link artefacts by themes and concepts which will provide greater access to information for curators and the public.

  • 2 Monate, Apr. 2010 - Mai 2010

    Student Placement

    The Universal Decimal Classification Consortium

    A month long work placement with the Universal Decimal Classification Consortium, The Hague, utilised my skills of analysis, research, problem solving, knowledge organization and my familiarity of UDC to propose and construct a new classification system for rivers within the Common Auxiliary Tables for Physiographic Designation. A high level of research was required together with an appreciation and understanding of the classification system and its users.

  • 9 Jahre und 2 Monate, Sep. 1999 - Okt. 2008

    Senior Information Operator


    I was responsible for providing 24-7 operational support for six offices in five countries. As the Senior Information Operator I managed a team of six and was responsible for running jobs within agreed service level agreements, providing access to information, reports and documents, training new members of staff, documenting and providing instruction on jobs to be run by the team.

Ausbildung von Chris Jones

  • Bis heute

    Information and Library Studies

    The Robert Gordon University


  • Englisch


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