Christian Bruckmayer
Professional experience for Christian Bruckmayer
Part of the Dev Acceleration leadership team which is responsible for increasing engineering's productivity and efficiency via opinionated tools.
Shopify offers online retailers a suite of services including payments, marketing, shipping and customer engagement tools to simplify the process of running an online store for small merchants. Part of the Kernel division which is responsible to deliver a fast, resilient, scalable, and semantic platform to internal and external developers.
- 1 year and 5 months, Feb 2019 - Jun 2020
Senior Software Engineer
Cookpad Ltd
Cookpad Ltd is a food tech company. The company operates "Cookpad" which is Japan’s largest recipe sharing service, with around 100 million monthly unique users globally, allowing visitors to upload and search through original, user-created recipes. Currently part of the foundation team to establish the global headquarter in Bristol, UK. Member of the web team responsible of building and maintaining the Ruby on Rails application which powers Cookpads backend.
- 3 years and 11 months, Mar 2015 - Jan 2019
Senior Software Engineer
SUSE Linux GmbH
Full Stack Ruby on Rails Web Developer in the SUSE DevOps Team which is responsible for the Open Build Service (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_Build_Service)
- 1 month, Mar 2016 - Mar 2016
Office Exchange Program
SUSE Linux GmbH
Participated in the SUSE Office Exchange Program to Provo/Utah/USA as part of the career development program
- 5 months, Sep 2014 - Jan 2015
Web Developer
SUSE Linux GmbH
Wrote a bachelor thesis about predictive analytics and trends in Open Source (Web Development, Ruby on Rails, Predictive Analytics, Open Source, Linux).
- 5 months, Apr 2014 - Aug 2014
Web Developer
Google Summer of Code
Google Summer of Code student at openSUSE. Ruby on Rails development (Implemented a dashboard for the Open Source Event Manager) https://bit.ly/gsoc_chrisbr Code: https://github.com/openSUSE/osem
Praktikant in der Softwareentwicklung und Quality Assurance Entwicklung Netzwerksensoren (SNMP, .NET, Delphi) Entwicklung Testautomatisierung (Selenium, Python)
Werkstudent in der Softwareentwicklung, J2EE, Java, Web Entwicklung, Testautomatisierung, Quick Test, Quality Center
Educational background for Christian Bruckmayer
- 3 years and 6 months, Oct 2011 - Mar 2015
Technische Hochschule Nürnberg
Software Engineering, Wirtschaftsinformatik
- 11 months, Sep 2010 - Jul 2011
Berufsoberschule Bayreuth
First language
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