Christine Hohlbaum
Professional experience for Christine Hohlbaum
- Current 7 years and 6 months, since Sep 2017
Hohlbaum PR & Social Media
I am a solopreneur with a public relations and social media company.
As a PR professional, I serve businesses that improve people's lives. I stand for integrity in communication and authentic engagement. Let me help you spread the word about your good news. My goal is to change the world through words. It is my life's mission.
- 4 years and 9 months, 2013 - Sep 2017
Butterfly Public Relations
I am the owner of Butterfly Public Relations, a PR firm that specializes in social media outreach and traditional media relations for companies that spread beauty in the world.
- 5 years and 1 month, Jun 2005 - Jun 2010
PR Consultant
Author's Companion
PR consultant for US book authors
Educational background for Christine Hohlbaum
International Relations
Universität Konstanz, Smith College, American University
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