Dr. Christophe Chevalier
Professional experience for Christophe Chevalier
- Current 6 years and 3 months, since Nov 2018R. STAHL Schaltgeräte GmbH
Leiter Business Unit Lighting & Signaling
BU Strategie Bestimmung und Umsetzung über die 3 Zeit-Horizonte - Rollendefinition der Standorte Weimar und Chennai (Indien) - Transformation vom Leuchtenfertiger zu Anbieter kompletter Lichtlösungen inkl. Dienstleistungen - Implementieren von Lean & Agile Entwicklungsmethoden - Transformation vom Standort Weimar zu einem Kunden-orientierten Kompetenzzentrum inkl. Schulungsakademie -
- 2 years and 2 months, Sep 2016 - Oct 2018ABB Deutschland
VP Strategic Marketing Business Unit Building Products
Markenstrategie, e-Commerce, Business-Pläne, Segmentierung, Market Intelligence, B2B2C, Architekten
- 11 months, Oct 2015 - Aug 2016
Head of International Specification and Business Development
Nordeon Group
Geschäftsentwicklung, Internationale Ausschreibungen, Mehrmarken-Strategie, architektonische Beleuchtung, Großhandel, Vertragshändler, Vertragsverhandlung
- 4 years and 1 month, Sep 2011 - Sep 2015
Global Marketing and Application Manager, then Director Outdoor Lighting
Zumtobel Lighting GmbH
Außenbeleuchtung, Portfoliomanagement, Angebotsmanagement, Dienstleistungen, Preisstrategie, Marktzugang, Architekten, Landschaftsarchitekten, Lichtplaner, Schulung
- 1 year and 10 months, Nov 2009 - Aug 2011
Self employed
- 2 years and 10 months, Jan 2007 - Oct 2009
Strategic Marketing Manager Asia
# Acquisition targets identification - Integration of local Asian leading companies after acquisition # Change of behavior of local subsidiaries from a price-oriented challenger to a leader's strategy # Offer management and branding strategy # Drawing up and validation with subsidiaries of business plans, long range plans, budgets and investment proposals # 3 recommendations available on request
- 6 years, Jan 2001 - Dec 2006
Product Marketing Manager Asia
Willing to reduce the number of ranges and eager to develop common platforms, Legrand had to establish a product-oriented map of Asia and adapt its offer to the market. # Detailed dynamic market analyses in a dozen Asian countries. # Development, adaptation and launch of the new, simplified offer for each country. # Introduction of functions for energy efficiency.
- 7 years and 8 months, May 1993 - Dec 2000
Corporate Environment Manager
# Built up a corporate team of 4 specialists of legal, technical, and communication matters, and functionally drove about thirty subsidiary environmental managers. # Set up procedures for crisis management. # Drove legal compliance and land pollution studies prior to acquisition. # Represented the French electrical and electronic industry to ISO 14001 certification body. # ISO 14001 certification: 40 production sites by year 2000. # Launch of the first eco-designed products by end of 90s.
- 4 years and 7 months, Oct 1988 - Apr 1993
Research assistant
Universität Stuttgart
# Develop a universal module containing a set of chemical reactions to be used for computer simulations of combustion phenomena. # Research sponsored by oil industry and car manufacturers. # 13 publications, available on request.
Educational background for Christophe Chevalier
- 1998 - 1999
Executive management of SMEs
IFG Paris
- 1988 - 1992
Maschinenbau - Energietechnik
Universität Stuttgart
- 1982 - 1987
University of Lyon
First language
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